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At Al' zabadani Syria, a group of men were currently in their hideout. As two men are seen talking as they drink alcohol at a balcony, guns ready to shoot who tried to trespass. Suddenly, they heard a noise behind them and with one swoop, they were decapitated, their heads falling and the glasses they had fall to the ground.

"Are you sure this will work?" Asked a man in Arabic. "Yes, my power allows me to blow up anything around me...they will listen to our demands and give us the money." Said a second man in Arabic. "Is that so?" Asked a voice in Arabic.

The two got off their chairs, seeing Connor. Before they could act, Connor ran at them at fill speed, slashing his in like a chop, decapitating one of the men's head, the other looking in anger as his body glows, making his skeleton exposed as a large explosion comes from his body.

When the explosion died down, the man looked in front of him to be sure Connor was dead to see Connor standing tall, the suit protecting him from the explosion since it was made from a power.

"Want to try again?" Asked Connor in Arabic. The man looks in horror and was about to grab the other ones gun, when Connor uppercut him, making the man's head fly off and land behind him. Connor looks at the dead men before flying off, looking for more crime.

In Russia, a man is seen in his mansion, walking to his fridge, grabbing a drink, but the moment he shut the door, he saw Connor, causing him to throw the glass of water he had before trying to attack.

Connor dodged as he caught the attack, to only be tossed through the room. Due to the fact that it happened spite Connor having the suit in, it means the guy is strong physically. Connor runs to the person and swung a punch, the man hitting it away and punch Connor in the chest, but Connor uses his other hand to do the same.

They both fall back to seperate and glare at each other. "Who are you?! What do you want?!" Yelled the man in Russian. "You stole the codes to send nuclear bombs around the world, I'm stopping you." Said Connor in Russian. The man growls as he pulls our a gun, firing at Connor, but the healing makes the bullets not go into his body and instead stop them and they fall to the ground as the suit regrow itself.

The man looks at Connor in both horror and disgust. "Your a fucking superhuman." Said the man in Russian. "Not quite." Said Connor in Russian before running to the man. Connor gor the man as he swung a punch, the man hitting it away as he shot a bullet to Connor's head, but just like the others, the healing kept it from entering his head and instead went back onto the gun and make it burst.

The man grunts in pain as he dropped the gun. Connor then uses his other hand to punch through the man's stomach. The man grunts as he held onto Connor, dying. Connor looks at the man as he died.

Connor puts the man on the ground before flying off, deciding to go home since its almost morning.

Arriving home, Connor enters as he took off the suit, but stops in his tracks when seeing Miki run to him, hugging Connor. Connor looks down at her, seeing her shake in his arms.

Connor looks down at her before wrapping his arms around him, hugging Miki. "You saw it, didn't you?" Asked Connor. Miki doesn't speak, just nod her head, holding Connor tightly. Connor looked at Miki before speaking.

"Want to take this to the couch so we don't have to stand here?" Asked Connor. Miki nods, the two walking to the couch and sit down, Miki holding Connor tightly, as if she thinks Connor will be taken away from her.

Connor silently let's Miki hug him, using the healing to build up his stamina so he can stay awake for Miki. They stay on the couch for a while, before Miki fell asleep, having seeked comfort from Connor. Connor smiles as he looked down her before picking her up, walking to the bedroom and rest her on the bed.

Connor: Vol 22Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora