Nine (Part Two)

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"I feeeel great!" I giggled as I swayed my hips with the music.

Ashley laughed from beside us as she danced with her boyfriend, Gavin. Her light brown curls were bouncing delicately on her shoulders as she bumped her head to the music. "I'm glad you're having a good time!"

I laughed even though I didn't have anything to laugh about. I threw my head back and grinned up at the lights radiating off of the ceiling. They were spinning, or I was spinning...or both? Who the hell cared.

"Remi!" Trinity stumbled into my side, spilling a little bit of her clear liquid onto my arm. "Take one with me," she slurred as her head dropped onto my shoulder.

I took the drink from her and hatched it back within seconds, too far in to have a second thought about a chaser. I was downing the alcohol like water at this point, the stinging in my throat becoming numb to the taste. I knew I should've stopped about five shots ago but I couldn't help it; it felt good. I felt good. And I had almost forgotten what it felt like.

Trinity threw up her phone and snapped a ton of pictures of us. Her phone was taking them in burst mode, something we had realized after seeing a whopping 120 photos after only twelve takes. We laughed it off—adding it to the list of stupid things to do while drunk, and kept it going.

"I sent them to you!" She told me before turning her phone off and shoving it back into her purse. "Now dance with me sexy, let's make these boys jealous."

"Alright uno momento," I said as I bent down to take off my heels. My feet were beginning to hurt and I couldn't dance how I wanted to with sore ankles and cramped toes.

I noticed Amanda and her clique in the corner with a drink in their hands, talking amongst themselves with judgmental eyes following our every move. I turned away though, remembering what I had told Trinity before coming in here.

"Hey Aaron!" Trinity wiggled her brows towards her crush that she had made blatantly obvious moves on in the past. He never seemed to encourage her, but he never denied her of her flirtatious behavior towards him either.

He strolled over to us, his dark eyes glassy from his intoxicated state. "Hey guys, having fun?"

She scoffed. "That's a boring question."

He raised his perfectly sculpted brow at her. "Oh yeah? Care to enlighten me with a more entertaining one then?"

Her face grew confident as she looked between the two of us. "Actually I would-" she pressed her cup into me and took a step forward. "When are you gonna ask me out?"

I smiled proudly behind my best friend for being the way she was. I decided to celebrate for the both of us by downing the rest of her drink that she had unintentionally gifted to me.

He chuckled deeply. "Feeling bold tonight I see."

"Feeling bold tonight I see," she mocked him. "Just answer my question, Pierce."

His lips folded in on each other as he studied her curiously, his eyes tracing her face in an unfocused fashion. "Alright how's this Friday work for you, Johnson?" He smirked, the corner of his lips twitching.

"It's Trinity to you," she insisted, turning away to send me an excited wink before glancing back at him with a blank stare. "I'll have to check my schedule."

Aaron smiled, amusement dancing in his dark orbs. "Alright, why don't you get back to me then? Take my number."

As they exchanged phone numbers my eyes fell upon a guy I had never seen before. He was leaning against the corner, his friends talking to him and laughing but he appeared half distracted by the way he was...watching me.

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