Chapter One

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"Anastasia, wake up! You're going to be late!"

Stacie rolls her eyes as she puts on the finishing touches to her makeup. She was fifteen, you would think her parents would know her well enough by now. It was bad enough that she was an heiress, thanks to her parents being scientific geniuses.

Not to mention her twin brothers who were already in college. Brandon and Ryan were both currently at MIT. Which is where Stacie's father wanted her to go. In fact, she was smart enough to be able to skip high school all together. But with help from her mother, she convinced her father to let her experience high school.

A knock on her bedroom door causes Stacie to roll her eyes. "I'm up." she says, grabbing her school bag and her phone before moving over to the door and opening it.

"If you don't hurry up, you will be late." Her mother said, looking her over.

"Mom, I won't be late." Stacie responds instantly, she was completely ready for school. She'd been up since about five-thirty and had already showered, brushed her teeth, dried and styled her hair, and gotten dressed. "I'm heading out now anyways, even though I don't have to be at the school for another forty-five minutes."

"Let Mason drive you." Her mother said.

"Mom, I have my license." Stacie complains, she really wanted to drive her mustang.

"I know. But I'd rather Mason drive you so I know you get there safe." Her mother responded.

Sighing, Stacie makes her way downstairs where she finds her dad in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. "Morning daddy."

"Good morning princess, ready for your first day of high school?" Her father asks with a warm smile.

Nodding her head, Stacie grabs a slice of the avocado toast their chef had made for her. "Mom won't let me drive myself to school." she complains, she didn't want to be driven to school by Mason.

Stacie's father looked at his wife as she came into the kitchen. "Serena, let the girl drive herself to school."

"Henry, I'd rather Mason drove her so we knew she got there safely." Serena said, taking a slice of avocado toast from the chef.

"She's fifteen, let her drive herself to school." Henry says he was always wrapped around Stacie's finger. It was part of the reason she always got what she wanted.

"She's still a child. I just want her to be safe when getting to school." Serena said, sitting down at the table.

Henry sighs and looks at his wife. "She knows how to drive, let her."

"We never should have gotten her those lessons." Serena muttered.

Chuckling, Henry shakes his head. He knew his wife hated that their youngest was growing up so fast. He did too, but he also knew they needed to let Stacie make her own decisions.

Stacie glanced at the time on her phone. "Am I allowed to drive?" she asks after a moment.

Serena looked from her husband to her daughter and back to her husband. "Only if you promise to call us as soon as you get to school."

The fifteen year old instantly nods her head. "I will, I promise." She smiled brightly, standing up and moving to her mother. She hugged her mother's shoulders. "Thank you mom."

"Just be safe." Serena said, hugging her daughter back.

Stacie pulls away and moves over to her father, hugging him. "Bye!" she says before grabbing her keys and making her way toward their garage. She unlocked her car and got in it, running her hands around the steering wheel with a satisfied smile on her face.

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