Chapter Fourteen

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Stacie had curled up on the bed with Lucas and Kingsley, watching them sleep.

Aubrey sighed as she watched Stacie from the doorway.

The leggy brunette seemed to be zoned out as she watched the twins.

"So she couldn't last an hour without them?" Henry asked from behind Aubrey.

Aubrey shook her head and looked over at him. "She barely lasted five minutes, she almost didn't get in the car."

"I think I should take her to the doctor." Henry said, thinking to himself.

Nodding her head, Aubrey turned her attention back to Stacie who seemed to be asleep now.

"I'm going to start making dinner, is there anything specific you would like?" Henry asked softly.

Aubrey shook her head and made her way into the bedroom, laying on her side of the bed to make sure the twins didn't roll off.

Lucas let out a soft noise as he slept.

Shifting slightly, Aubrey reached out to push some hair from Stacie's face. She didn't know what to do to help Stacie. It seemed like they couldn't do anything or go anywhere unless Lucas and Kingsley were there too.

Stacie shifted slightly in her sleep, her eyes remaining closed.

"How can I help you?" Aubrey whispered to herself.

Lucas began squirming and whined softly, his eyes fluttering opened.

Aubrey pulled him closer and kissed his head.

Squirming again, Lucas released another soft whine.

"Shhh," Aubrey cooed softly, rubbing his back gently.

Lucas looked up at her, his bottom lip beginning to pout out.

Aubrey lifted Lucas in of her arms and got up out of bed. She placed her pillow on the other side of Kingsley so that she wouldn't fall out of bed and then left the room with Lucas.

Lucas released a soft cry and began squirming in her arms.

"Shhh," Aubrey cooed softly, rocking him.

Turning his head towards Aubrey's chest, the baby continued to cry.

"Hungry, huh?" Aubrey carried the boy into the kitchen to get him some milk from the fridge.

Henry looked up from where he was typing on his laptop at the counter. "Want me to take him?"

Aubrey shook her head. "No it's okay." She said, moving to the bottle warmer to heat up the milk.

Lucas was squirming in her arms as he continued to cry.

"Shh." Aubrey cooed. "Milk is coming."

The little boy stared up at her as he cried, continuing to squirm.

Aubrey prayed for the bottle warmer to beep soon.

It wasn't long before the bottle warmer beeped.

Lucas finally stopped crying as he drank from the bottle, his eyes fluttering closed.

Aubrey sighed softly, watching him drink from the bottle.

"I've set up an appointment for Stacie." Henry said, looking over at Aubrey now that Lucas had calmed down.

Aubrey turned her head to look at him. "Okay."

"She's going to fight us on it, but we're going to have to make her go." Henry told her softly, looking up as the front door opened.

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