Chapter Six

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There was only a week before Christmas and Stacie was getting antsy. Her stomach was getting bigger everyday it seemed. "Dammit!" She cries out, throwing her usually loose shirt down. It was too tight on her stomach.

Beca was pulling on her own shirt. She turned to look over her shoulder. She'd been rather quiet the last few weeks and could be quiet until Christmas was over. This was just how she dealt with this time of year. "What's wrong?" She asked quietly.

"I'm too fat." Stacie whispers, tears filling her eyes.

"No you're not. You're beautiful." Beca said, moving around the bed and wrapping her arms around Stacie.

The taller girl buries her face in Beca's neck. "My clothes don't fit." She cries softly.

"That doesn't mean you're fat." Beca said softly, rubbing Stacie's back softly.

Stacie continued to softly cry, her body shaking from the tears. "I can't go out with everyone if I can't put anything on."

"I'm sure you have something." Beca said, pulling out the clothes from Stacie's wardrobe.

The older girl sits down on the bed, shivering slightly. She still wouldn't put a bra on because of how sensitive her chest was.

Beca pulled out the biggest shirt Stacie owned. "Try this." She said passing it to her girlfriend.

Grabbing the shirt, Stacie pulls the shirt over her head. Frowning when it shows how big her stomach is. "I'm so fat." She mumbles, tears filling her eyes once more.

Beca shook her head. "No you're not." She reached up to wipe her girlfriend's eyes. "You're creating life. This is completely natural."

The older girl looks up at her, sniffling softly. "I need help with my shoes."

Beca bent down and helped Stacie put her shoes on.

"Thank you." Stacie whispers, now she had to figure out if her winter coat would fit.

Beca stood up. She leaned up and pressed a kiss to Stacie's cheek.

Sighing softly, Stacie curls into Beca. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess."

Beca shook her head. "Don't ever apologize. This is all natural."

"We have to finish getting ready, we're going to see the lights." Stacie mumbles softly.

Beca nodded. She moved back around the bed and lifted her jacket up, pulling it on.

Grabbing her winter coat, Stacie pulls it on and frowns when she can't zip it.

"It doesn't need to be zipped." Beca said softly.

The taller girl fights back tears once more. "Nothing fits."

"We'll go shopping." Beca said. "Tomorrow."

Nodding her head, Stacie sniffles softly and grabs Beca's hand.

Serena and Henry smile upon seeing Stacie and Beca.

Stacie wouldn't look at anyone, she didn't want them to see her red rimmed eyes.

"Everyone ready?" Henry asked, smiling.

Stacie nods her head, gripping Beca's hand a little tighter. She was worried that it was going to be a tight fit since they were taking one of the vans so everyone was together.

"Stacie, you'll sit in the front with your mom and I." Henry said softly.

Nodding her head, Stacie makes her way outside. She didn't like the idea of not being able to curl into Beca.

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