Chapter Twelve

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Beca was first to wake up the next morning. She got up and went to check on the twins.

Finding them in the kitchen with Serena and Henry, taking a cereal mixed with formula bottle.

Beca moved over to the twins and kissed their heads.

Hazel smiled around her bottle and reached for Beca while Grayson just grunted.

Beca sat down at the island and watched her two children with soft eyes.

"Are you the first one up?" Serena asked softly, shifting Hazel in her arms.

Beca lifted her head and looked up at Serena. "Yeah." She said, nodding.

Humming softly, Serena passed Hazel to Beca. "I'll get started on breakfast then."

"It's okay. I'm not hungry, wait for someone else to wake up." Beca said, shrugging.

Henry frowned from where he was sitting with Grayson. "You need to eat." He said softly.

"I will later, I'm just not hungry now." Beca said, shrugging again.

Nodding his head, Henry sighed softly. He observed Beca for a moment. She reminded him of Beverly.

Footsteps on the stairs catch their attention just as Stacie enters the kitchen.

Beca focused her attention on Hazel in her arms.

"Morning." Stacie says tiredly, rubbing her eyes as she sits at the counter.

"Morning honey." Henry said, smiling at his daughter.

Laying her head down, Stacie yawns tiredly. She didn't sleep very well, even after her and Aubrey had sex.

"Breakfast?" Serena asked. "I'm making eggs."

"The babies don't like eggs." Stacie mumbled softly, not lifting her head. "They want that sausage and cheese breakfast sandwich from Dunkin."

"Oh." Serena said, placing the egg down. "Guess I'm going out for breakfast." She reached for her car keys.

Stacie lifted her head. "Can I go with you?" She asked hopefully, knowing she'd be able to talk her mother into an iced coffee.

"If you want to." Serena said, shrugging. "Beca, would you like anything?"

Beca shook her head. "No thank you."

Serena nodded her head and waited for Stacie to slip on some shoes before they left.

Serena got into the drivers side of her car and waited for Stacie to get in before starting the engine.

Leaning back in her seat, Stacie dropped a hand to her stomach and sighed softly.

Serena drove them towards Dunkin.

"Mom, do you think the babies are Aubrey's or Beca's?" Stacie blurted out randomly, turning to face her mother.

"I'm really not sure sweetie." Serena admitted. She wouldn't admit to her daughter that she wanted the babies to belong to Beca because she wanted her daughter and Beca to have what she couldn't have with Beverly.

Stacie took a deep breath and looked away. "I think they're Aubrey's."

"Really? Why do you want them to be Aubrey's? Beca is a good mom." Serena asked.

"I love her mom." Stacie said softly, staring out the window.

"So you don't love Beca anymore?" Serena asked.

Sighing, Stacie looked toward her mother. "I will always love Beca, but we weren't good for each other."

"Beca is working on making herself better for you." Serena said softly.

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