sabo x reader: beautiful sight

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you and sabo had been walking back home after just walking around the island for a while. "ah~ what a beautiful day" you smiled at the slightly taller blonde man next to you. he was smiling at you slightly laughing. "whats funny sabo-kun." you looked up and asked. "its nothing (y/n)-chan, it shouldn't make you concern" sabo smiled at you.

you kept looking around seeing that the sun was going down it made the sky multi-color with red orange pink and all sorts of sunset colors and you couldn't help but stare at it. "sabo-kun, isn't it a beautiful sight." you asked turning to see him smiling and chuckling again. "sabo-kun whats so funny" you asked again pouting at him. "it's noting bad (y/n)-chan, its just silly thats all." he said and you where confused

"whats silly i don't understand." you asked and he smiled at you again. "but i have to agree it is a beautiful sight, i'd love to see the same sight for the rest of my life." sabo said smiling at you looking at the sun set behind you. you turned and looked at it for a minute when you turned back you caught sabo looking at you. surprised he blushed slightly and you did the same. "sabo-kun" you said looking at him and he smiled at you again. "like i said i love this view its stunning." he smiled at you. "sabo-kun, you meant me." you asked. "yeah i guess you found me out (y/n)-chan." he said smiling at you. "sabo-kun" you said hugging him resting your head on him being slightly shorter then him.

"(y/n)-chan may i have a kiss." he asked and you nodded. he slowly pulled your face close to his and he smiled again. "i love you, (y/n)-chan, i'm glad your here with me." he said just before gently pressing his lips into yours as the sun finally set behind you turning the colorful sky dark in a matter of minutes.

the end.

sorry its not that long and lol i never take very long i just didn't have an idea at the moment but i was right it is before monday lol.

reader x one pieceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon