fire fist ace

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fire fist ace

you had just joined the white beard pirates everyone was surprisingly nice and they where starting to trust you more and more everyday. but there was someone who trusted you more then even white beard, it was ace the second in command fire fist ace. even though you didn't talk much you still thought he was the kindest of the crew beside white beard

afew months passed by and it was more then clear you where a white beard crew mate. to go along with that you and ace are great friends that can basically tell each-other everything. "congratulations sweet heart." white beard said smiling at you as bright as the sun with ace doing the same beside him. "you like it" ace asked you. "i love it." you said looking in the mirror at your new tattoo of the white beards jolly Rodger over your heart. "so explain why you put it there." white beard said to you. you turned around and smiled at them brightly. "because family is suppose to be close to the heart right." you smiled and they just smiled back.

as you all walked out of the room onto the deck you heard the whole crew yelling and having a good time. "CONGRATULATIONS (Y/N) OF THE WHITE BEARD PIRATES" the whole crew even ace and white beard cheered behind you. "careful guys any louder and the marines will find us." ace laughed along with the rest of the crew.

later that night the whole crew was still partying and drinking having fun. after a few drinks you and ace where having a lot of fun and so was the rest of the crew. "hey (yn) wanna go to the crows nest with me." ace asked poking your shoulder. you smiled and nodded. you both where slightly blushing both thinking it was the sake making you blush.

up in the crows nest you and ace look down at the crew as it grew darker and darker while the crew was still dancing and having fun. "the only other pirates i've seen party till and past dark was my brothers crew." ace commented. "you said his name was luffy right the one with the huge bounty on his head." you asked. "yeah thats him" ace smiled and you couldn't resist that smile of his. "hey (yn)" he paused and you looked at him still smiling at you. "yeah" you asked him waiting to hear what he had to say. "do you wanna watch the stars with me." he asked you still smiling at you just melting your heart every time he looked at you with that big smile.

"yeah sure" you smiled back at him. you had noticed his face was a little redder then a minute ago. "you ok ace" you asked him. "what yeah i'm fine." he replied rubbing the back on his neck. "so hows the crew been treating you." he asked you. "oh i love it all so nice but when you need to your all tough as nails." you smiled at him and this time you knew ace was blushing at you.

"but theres is this one guy who i like more then just a crew member." you paused and ace picked up on that and he looked interested to find out who it was. "oh yeah whats he like, whats his name." he asked like he would a younger sister. "well he's got black hair really cute and is super sweet to me and plus we're best friends." you said and ace just listened to you talk about the guy. "he's a little taller then me he's got a few freckles and he has this awesome tattoo." you smiled "and i think i love him." you said and when you went to look at ace you just met his lips with yours. shocked you blush like mad and when he lets you go he just smiles " i love you too, (yn)"

the end

(AN: once again sorry for being late didn't think i would get this many reads at once and i'm still working on the usopp one so i'll post asap and when its finished.)

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