• Chapter 11 •

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"So...", Ace takes off his coat and rolls up his sleeves, stopping right beside Moon, as she keeps reading the same page again and again. "Which magic are we doing this time?"

"Ok, hear me out.", Moon goes around the setup pool, taking off her shoes. "Last time, I used a basin full of water and, although simple, the spell worked great. I did find Sverige. But, if my guess is right...", She now takes off her coat and empties her pockets, giving her belongings to Ace. "I think Hux is using some trick to stop me from finding out his location. And, as for Caelan... Thank you.", she smiles at Gus as he helps her to get inside. "If he knew I was a witch and had something to prevent my powers, then for sure he knows another witch, one that is certainly helping him out."

"Ok, I get the picture. But why go from a simple basin to a mini pool? You do realize that bringing this in secretly was a hard task, right?", Casey asks, trying to understand Moon's line of thoughts.

"Do you think you'll be able to find them with one go?", Artur asks, coming inside and locking the door soon after. "Don't worry, I've told them I need some quiet and isolated room to study."

"Never pictured you as a liar, Artur.", Casey said, mockingly.

"Lies are needed sometimes."

"Why do I have an audience? Anyway... I don't know if I'll be able to, but I'll try my best. As for you, Casey, I don't think it was a hard task.", she laughed. "Ace, come here. I can only stay underwater for seven minutes. If I don't get up after these seven minutes, you gotta pull me up."

"Ok, easy."

"Not at all. You can't get inside or you'll be pulled by the magic. You gotta pull me up from the outside. And it'll be hard. As if I weigh a ton. Keep pulling me, all of you if needed."

"Ok, no pressure at all, right?", Ace asked nervously to the other three, watching as they had a worrisome look upon their faces. "It's the only way?"

"Yes.", Moon said, getting on her knees. "I trust you, Ace. Start timing."

Ace took his phone and set the time to seven minutes.

"Ad omnes deos supra, I, humiliter quaeritur: undo velum, et ostendam me sicut patet quod lumen, et luna plena. Nam ut nulla in tenebris, nihil manet absconditum diu. Dux per me in lucem, et ostende mihi.", Moon whispers and soon was under water.

At first, she thought she had once again failed. She found herself in a dark place. Black floor, walls, and ceiling, no light in sight. But soon, something familiar came to view: many strings of blue smoke.

"Souls, right?", she asked Noira.

"Yes. Focus on the energy of the one you want to find, and the other strings will disappear. Then, you just have to follow..."

Moon closed her eyes, focusing first on Hux, as she guessed it'd be easier. And she wasn't wrong when, opening her eyes, she had a clear vision of him, in a dark room, cooking something.

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