• Chapter 20 •

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 The weather was good for once, and that made Ada plan a few things to do throughout the day

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The weather was good for once, and that made Ada plan a few things to do throughout the day. For quite some time, she wanted to camp near the mountain, where the Merwall River flows swiftly beside it. She wanted some alone time, even if it meant having Hux there with her, she wanted to escape the noisy people of Mendraria, especially the nagging of Josiah.

The sudden appearance of Gunner, though, changed everything; Ada was now driving through the road, going straight to Evercrest, where Griffin was, probably mad for losing his dear boy's trail.

"Damn these youngsters and their wills...", Ada cursed as she hit the steering wheel, grunting all the way there.

Not far from the blue sign that welcomed visitors to Evercrest, Ada recognized Griffin at the curb, pacing back and forth, breathless, sweaty, and rather angry, judging by his clenched jaw.

She stopped close to him and turned off the engine, honking once then waiting for him to get inside but he didn't. That made her get out and walk slowly to him; although she was great at fighting, Griffin was bigger and was mad.

"Hey... Let's go."

"I need some time... to clear my fucking mind... so I won't fucking hurt him out of anger..."

Ada nodded, understanding. "Those brothers are quite sassy when it comes to their destiny. They're too stubborn to accept whatever life throws at them without a fight."

"Whatever life throws at them? What about me, huh? Did anyone ever wonder how I felt when I found out that I was destined for him? My whole life I slept with plenty of beautiful, gorgeous women, and I always expected that one of them would be my mate, but then... It was him! A man! Younger than me!", Griffin shouted, frustrated.

"Then reject him."

Griffin looked at the woman, confused. "Wh-what?"

"If you hate it that much, just ask for an official rejection. It'll be painful but you'll get over it, both of you. And you won't have to live with this frustration anymore. It's just... that simple, Griffin. So why haven't you done it already?"

"I... I...", the man tilted his head, raking his hair and falling to the ground. "I..."

"There's already love, isn't there? Unconditional love. Possessiveness. Over-protection. Deep down, you already claimed him as yours..."

"Ada, I... What do I..."

Ada sighed. It was tormenting her how much she was seeing herself in him, back when she met Hux at the hospital a little over a year ago.

She got on her knees beside him and started patting his shoulder. "First of all, breathe. Take deep and long breaths. Calm yourself down."

He did as he was told and after a few minutes, he looked at her, like a scared kid that he never was. "Now what?"

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