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Jimin sat in the back seat of the class, owl eyes watching his crush laughing with his boyfriend, holding hands as the other sits on his crush's lap.

He feels the burn of jealousy in the pit of his stomach.
His eyes burning the back of the guy's head, Kim Taehyung, the person he hates the most in the whole school.

Jeon Jungkook, the boyfriend of the person he hates, his crush.

He was still busy staring at both of them, his gaze not faltering.

Until he was tapped on the shoulder.

He looked away to see who tapped him and is surprised to see one of his friends, Lee Taemin.

"Hi Tae" he smiled.

Taemin glanced at taehyung and jungkook before returning his gaze to jimin.

"You know it's really obvious when you stare right?"  
Jimin innocently stared at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"*Sigh* you were literally glaring at the back of taehyung's head. You need to stop whatever crazed crush you have on jungkook"

Jimin's gaze turned cold.

"Who said i have a crazed crush on him?"

"I'm only concerned jimin. I'm sure alot of people have noticed the way you stare at both of them"

"Mind your business tae. I don't feel like talking to you anymore"

And then he was back to staring.

Taemin sighed again then walked away.

The moment taehyung pressed his lips on Jungkook's.
Jimin abruptly stood up, knocking his books on the floor, loudly.

Attention was immediately brought to him, taehyung and jungkook too looked at him.

Jimin smiled inwardly that they didn't kiss, he ignored the looks then took his books from the ground and shoved them in his bag before hastily leaving the room.

"That boy is very weird" taehyung said to jungkook.

Jungkook just hummed then pulled taehyung's face to press his lips back on his.

Outside the classroom, jimin watched with jealousy then stormed away, stomping his feet.


Jimin and his friends, kai and Taemin was together in the cafeteria, eating and talking to each other while giggling here and there.

"Ohh, there's the IT couples"
Kai pointed out while gazing at the entry of the cafeteria.

They both turned and saw jungkook and taehyung walking in with Jungkook walking behind taehyung while back hugging him.

Jimin immediately looked away, not wanting to ruin his mood.

Taemin looked at jimin and noticed his hand shaking as he gripped his fork while looking down at his thigh.

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