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"jungkook walked me home yesterday"

Taemin looked at him with big eyes.

"What? Seriously??"
Jimin nodded with a grin.

"Did you do anything to him? Black magic?"

Jimin hit taemin's arm.

"Shut up! What is that suppose to mean?"

"I mean, anytime jungkook gets close, which happened only one time, you get all flustered and shy so how did you walk home with him without melting? Literally"

Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Like a normal person would, and...i hate to admit it but he's not the person i thought he was, i thought he'd be nice to everyone but he was nothing but weird and rude to me yesterday" jimin pouted.

Taemin held jimin's hand.

"I think you were trying too hard to get his attention or friendship. Just be normal and play it off cool, although i don't support you oogling Taehyung's boyfriend, he's a nice guy, but you're my best friend and it's a must for me to be by your side always" he smiled at the end.

"Thanks Tae"

The mentioned pecked jimin's cheeks.

"No problem baby. Anyways, apart from that jungkook stuff, guess who's moving to our school tomorrow?"

Taemin asked excitedly.

The smaller (jimin) furrowed his brows.




Everyone watched as THE min Yoongi walked slowly in the hallways by himself, his usual, 'stay away from me' look painted on his face, girls and both boys stared at him with a hungry tint in their eyes, while some were trying to get his attention by waving or biting their lip at him but what did they get in return? an eye roll.

You may be wondering who THE min Yoongi is, Well he's only the son of the most richest man in south korea, the heir to all the wealth, who doesn't know Min Yoongi? The guy who people thinks is Asexual because he has never been spotted with a girl or boy, the Guy who doesn't keep friends because he claims that people/friends aren't loyal and will only want his money.
But why was the richest teenage kid in south korea going to a public school like Seoul High? When he could go to a sophisticated Private school in Seoul or Another country.
Well the answer is that his father got fed up of his stubborn ways and punished him by putting him in a school with ALOT of people and a school that he won't get the respect he gets at his old school, his father made sure that he'll be treated like a regular student, must do his homework or he'll get punished, don't break a rule or he'll get suspended or expelled.

But he doesn't have to do that, he doesn't care if he gets expelled or suspended but he knows if he does, he'll go stay with his grandma in Busan and boy did he hate his grandma because of her over religious ways.

So here he was, in a public school, walking down the hallway alone with a frown on his face, ignoring everything and everyone.

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