Chapter. 4

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It was 2 days before sodo due date and he was worried something was going to go wrong. Swiss tried comfort his worried husband by holding him tightly, caressing the pregnant belly, "Don't worry, love, I'm sure nothing will go wrong..."

"And if something does go wrong, then I will be able to deal with it... I won't let anything happen to you or our baby, I promise" The ghoul promised softly, trying to be as supportive and calming as possible. "But what if something does go wrong.. I don't want to leave you alone..." sodo cried softly. "Hey, hey...." Swiss caressed the pregnancy belly again, "I'm not going to lose you that easily, don't you worry, honey"

"We've been through a bit too much to just give up now, right?" He asked softly, his voice being a mixture of calmness and confidence, "So don't you worry, love, everything will be okay....""Do we have the hospital bag ready?" Sodo asked as he sat up fast. "Yes, honey, I have prepared it." He nodded and gently turned Sodo to face him, "But relax a little, please... It's going to be okay, as I've said..."

He caressed his husband's face, "You might be the one who is pregnant physically, but I'm there alongside you, ready to support you and protect you however I can... So please, try to relax..." Sodo sighed as he laid back down, "I'm sorry.. I'm so stressed.." sodo said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I know, and I so wish there was more I could do for you, dear..."

Then, Swiss thought for a moment before smiling, "Do you feel like eating something?" He asked softly, caressing the pregnant belly and leaning closer to it. He then looked up at Sodo, waiting for a response. "Sure.. do we have chocolate cake..?" Sodo asked Swiss happily. "We certainly do, dear. I knew you would be craving something like that." He nodded and got up, quickly heading to the kitchen.

"I'll be back with the cake in a moment, alright?~
" He said teasingly, as he went to prepare the cake. Sodo tail started to wag as he waited for Swiss. After a few moments, Swiss came back with a slice of chocolate cake, "Here you go, honey. I know you'll love this..."

He smiled sweetly and then fed it to Sodo, "What do you think?" He asked curiously, tilting his head to a side. Sodo happily ate the cake, he started to purr loudly from happiness. "Hmm... Are you purring?" He asked curiously in a joking way, while gently caressing the side of Sodo's tummy.

"Someone is being very, very happy at their cake, it seems." Swiss commented as he fed him another bite. "It's so good love" sodo kisses Swiss and went right back to eating his cake. "Such a cute ghoul..." Swiss said as he softly kissed Sodo back, "I love you, dear...."

He fed him another piece of cake, before gently squeezing the pregnant belly and teasing, "Hmm... Someone's belly feels a bit full, no?" "What element do you think the kit will be?" Sodo smiled wide. "Ooh... well..." Swiss thought for a moment, "... Considering there is a really big chance he will inherit both your and mine elements, I would say it could be both Fire and Multi. At least I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case."

He smiled softly, gently kneading the pregnant belly, "I'm sure he will look amazing, no matter what..."

Dew/sodo x Swiss ~ enemies to lovers  Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя