Chapter 5

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It was 3 hours after the birth of sodo and Swiss kit was born. Swiss gently held the bundle of joy that was lying in his arms, "Look, dear... Our son is here"
The ghoul smiled and planted a kiss on the forehead of his newborn child, as his hand caressed the sleeping newborn's cheeks. "What should we name him..." Swiss whispered to Sodo, who was laying besides him in the bed. Sodo was still pretty sleepy from it all, "how about azar!" Sodo said sleepily. "Azar?" Swiss repeated softly, looking down at their son as he kept his arms cradling him. He then shrugged and said, "Hm... Azar it shall be!" The ghouls eyes lit up with enthusiasm and happiness as he looked down at Azar, smiling softly. Sodo yawned, "I want to hug my baby..." sodo whispered. Swiss laughed softly and leaned over, gently kissing Sodo's lips. He then handed him Azar, "Please... Be gentle. We mustn't wake him." The ghoul smiled, "Now, hug your little bundle of joy...""I will.. he's my baby and I'll never hurt him.." sodo smiled soft. Swiss gently rubbed the newborn Azar's back, "I know you will never hurt him. You're a great parent, dear." "Just make sure to have some sleep too, don't tire yourself too much..." He whispered, before giving Sodo a kiss on the neck and whispering, "I love you, dear."

~ next day~

It was the next day and sodo was overdoing himself, "shh shh.. azar it's okay.." he whispered holding his baby. "" Swiss began in a soft, yet firm tone, "You need to try and get some rest, dear. You're overdoing yourself."

"Let me take care of Azar, while you get some sleep." He held his hands out, waiting to be given the baby. "Swiss it's okay.. I got it.." sodo said as tears formed in his eyes. Swiss got worried, seeing tears rolling down Sodo's face.

"Darling..." He began, still sounding worried, "You're not okay and I know it. Please, just let me take Azar and take care of him for now..."

The ghoul placed his hand on SoDo's shoulder, "Just relax, alright?" He said softly. "No no.. I need to take care of him.." sodo says as he turned his back to Swiss and started to feed azar his bottle. "Sodo, I know you want to take care of him, but you can't take care of your son, if you're at your limits... Which you are, dear..."

"I love you and I know you want to be a good parent to Azar, but if you continue this way, you won't be able too...." He said softly. "... I love him so much.. and I love you.. I just.. wanna take care of him.." sodo said knowing that this is unhealthy. "Sodo, no one said that you can't take care of Azar, love.. But you can't do it if you're at your limits, alright?" The ghoul gently spoke to him, caressing Sodo's arm with a concerned expression.

"So please, do try and get some sleep... After all, you'll need your energy for Azar, won't you?" He asked softly. ".. fine.." sodo said as he handed azar over to Swiss. Swiss took Azar in his arms, gently holding him close to his chest.

"I'll take care of Azar, and you can go to sleep" He said in a soothing tone, before leaning over and planting a quick kiss on the top of Sodo's head.

"Get some rest, my love..." Sodo nodded as he kissed azar forehead and then kissed Swiss, "I'll try.." sodo said softly. Swiss smiled softly and kissed Sodo's forehead, "Rest as much as you can, love."

He then looked down at Azar, gently kissing the top of his head as he caressed his back, "I'll take care of you, Azar."

"Dada and Papa love you... Don't worry, we're here..." Swiss whispered softly to the newborn, as he continued to hold him close. Sodo stopped and grabbed azar, "he can sleep well I do" sodo panicked . Swiss looked up at Sodo, noticing his panic.

"Azar will be okay with me, darling..." He spoke in a calming tone, hoping to alleviate the anxiety that was going through Sodo in that moment. Sodo climbed into the bed and cuddled azar. "Sodo, darling." Swiss spoke up, as he walked towards the bed, his hands placed in his pockets.

"You need to rest, love. Please, hand Azar over. I'll take care of him for tonight, alright?" " I can." Sodo snarled as he keep azar safe on his arms, this was really normal behaviour for fire ghouls. "Then let me help..." Swiss tried to convince him, as he reached out an arm, trying to gently grab Azar.

"Come on, darling... I'm sure you can see just how tired you are. Let me help you and Azar, okay?"Sodo bit swiss hand, "don't fucking touch him." He growled. Swiss winced and backed away with his arm, as he held his hand in pain.

"Ouch... Sodo... I want to help you..." He said sternly, he was starting to lose a little bit of his patience as he saw that the fire ghoul didn't want him to take his son, but to be fair, his son was very dear to him.

"Do you trust me, Sodo?" He asked in a soft tone, but his hand was still clutching the part that got bitten, as he continued to look at Sodo. Sodo started to cry as he wrapped himself around azar, "I'm so so so sorry.. I'm such an idiot..." Swiss sighed and sat at the edge of the bed, his hand still held to the place where he got bitten on his arm— it looked like it hurt a lot.

"Look, just... Just please... Hand the baby over for a few minutes." He begged, sounding hurt. "I'm not saying that I won't give Azar back to you. I just need you to trust me, my love!" "... I trust you.. I'm a fire ghoul... we are overprotective... especially our kits.. I'm so sorry.. I feel horrible..." sodo cried. Swiss softly caressed Sodo's hair, "I know, love. Don't worry, I understand. But please, hand Azar over. I'm going to be so gentle, I promise..."

He waited expectantly, as if waiting for Sodo to finally say yes and hand over the baby. Sodo slowly handed Swiss the kit, "I'm sorry love.." sodo cried. Swiss took Azar in his arms and kissed his forehead, "Don't worry, darling. I love you..."

"See? I'll be so gentle with him!" He promised, while still caressing Azar's back, "Just please, get some rest... And promise that you'll be better, please...?"

Dew/sodo x Swiss ~ enemies to lovers  Where stories live. Discover now