Chapter 7

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The next morning sodo was packing azar lunch. "Okay so love, I need you to take azar to school today again" sodo said as he put azar lunch box in his bag. Swiss walked over to Sodo, as he watched him packing Azar's lunchbox. He put his hand on one of Sodo's shoulders, and then said, "Do you think you could teach him more about controlling his elemental magic? You're the expert on the fire elemental magic and all that, so you're the most suited to teach Azar about controlling his powers, right?" Swiss walked over to the coffee pot and started making himself coffee. "I don't know if I should.." sodo said as he placed some signed papers into azar binder.

"Sodo, we talked about this, love." Swiss began, as he walked over to Sodo and held his hands, "You're Azar's father and a fire ghoul, it's your duty to teach your son about the art of controlling his elemental magic, alright? Please...?" He spoke in a gentle, yet firm tone. "He needs to learn about his powers sooner rather than later, and who better to teach him?" Sodo stood there as tears filled his eyes, "you don't know about what happened a few years ago..."

Swiss sighed, looking at the fire ghoul with a worried expression on his face. He noticed the tears forming on his cheeks, which made him feel guilty.

" we've talked about this before... What happened a few years ago is in the past, and I'm absolutely sure that you would never hurt poor Azar...Please, teach him how to control his powers, my love... You can do it, I believe in you..."

"But what if I hurt him.. I don't wanna hurt my own son.."  sodo cried. "Sodo... sodo, my love... You've changed since that, okay? You know you have..." Swiss replied softly, as he wiped away some tears on his cheek, "And you have me here. I won't allow you to hurt Azar, I'll be right there... I'm sure it'll all go well. Just please... Do this for me, for Azar and for you, sodo. It's for the best." "Fine.. can you still take him to school today.. " I'm going to go into town.." sodo said. "Of course, honey. I can do that for you." Swiss replied with a smile, as he picked Azar up and patted his head, "Do you need something in town that you'll be going for?" His expression was curious, as he looked at Sodo now. "Or are you just going there for a bit of time alone?"

"I have some shopping I need to get done" sodo explained as he grabbed his wallet and car keys. "Oh, okay. Then I'll take Azar to school today, and you go do your shopping. I'm guessing you won't be back until the afternoon, correct?" Swiss asked his partner, as he looked at the fire ghoul.

"You won't be coming back early with the groceries?" He asked him in a teasing tone. " I should be back 11 to 12, anyways! You to be careful!" Sodo said as he kissed the top Swiss then azar head. " I should be back 11 to 12, anyways! You to be careful!" Sodo said as he kissed the top Swiss then azar head. "Alright, I'll be sure that everything will be done right, so no worries, love." Swiss replied, as he leaned his body over and gave both sodo and Azar a kiss on their cheeks.

"I'll see you then, once you come back." He said, as he started to head for the door, with Azar on his arms.

Dew/sodo x Swiss ~ enemies to lovers  Where stories live. Discover now