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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・

junhui hated it.

he hated how he had shown his most vulnerable side to someone who was basically a stranger, someone who had in fact technically broken into his home, someone who wasn’t supposed to know him.

and yet,

xu minghao had seen him like that.

xu minghao, someone who was normal, someone who had a proper life, someone who could–

nevermind that thought, junhui shook it from his mind.

it was strange, the feeling he had, like things were about to change. it was foreign and he didn't know whether he liked that, and it was all because of a stranger. 

a stranger that happened to stay.

why did he stay? what was he here for?

junhui would have to figure that out later, for now he wasn't totally against having company, it was just the company itself that was the problem. of all people it just had to be a curious wanderer? 

maybe junhui should've threatened to have him for dinner instead. (not that he would be able to keep him down in the first place, since the thought of even biting a human repulsed him, been there, done that).

the thought of change stirred up something within the vampire. it was new, it was inviting, but it was also met with fear. how long has it been since junhui welcomed the thought of change?

even now, as he paced back and forth in his own bedroom, curtains closed shut to block off any ounce of light junhui felt his stomach churning at the idea. 

who would be foolish enough to deal with something as powerful as change? 

change meant sacrifice and wen junhui wouldn't give up on his lifestyle so easily. maybe instead of fighting, he should embrace the thought of getting rid of the uninvited guest as soon as possible. it would be one less worry for him.

going back to his familiar cycle of day to day activity didn’t sound all that bad, now that he was slowing down and taking the thought into careful consideration. 

but on the other hand, this explorer was putting a bit more action into his dull life, leaving him with a certain adrenaline and a feeling he couldn’t put into words.

he knew the castle like the back of his hand, having explored it with s–


junhui tried to dig through his memories to try and figure out just who in the world this name was and why he couldn’t remember it. why was there a blank space in his memories? 

the more he thought about it, the more his head hurt. 

junhui tried to blink the headache that was rapidly forming, and once his head wasn’t pounding, junhui was no longer standing in his room, but rather, the place he dreaded, the place he wished he could understand the meaning of, yet it remains such a huge mystery.

the black and white crescent moon-like patterns swirled throughout the whole expanse, connecting from the floor to up the walls before finally making it to a point somewhere on the ceiling. 

junhui called this space his hallucination, the optical illusion room. 

it appeared often, mainly on the days where he was feeling especially connected and close to the locked ballroom. 

he hated being in this space, since it would reveal so little and so much of his forgotten past to him, only for him to only remember a sliver of what he actually thought he saw.

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