Chapter 1

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Mikes heart pounded in his chest.

He didn't remember. He didn't remember. He. Didn't. Remember.

"You mean you don't remember me?" Mikes voice came out as a whisper.

"I'm sorry, but no." Jeremy's apologetic face looked at Mikes terrified one.

Mike swallowed. His eyes were wide, and his heart was thumping a mile a minute. His mouth went dry, and his breathing was rapid. This ha to be a dream, he thought.

But it wasn't.

The smell of antiseptic wipes, the tingling in his fingers, and the burning in his chest was all too real. He wanted to throw up everywhere.

He couldn't cry, because it didn't feel real. It couldn't be real. But it was.

Doctors stared at him. They had just asked him a question.

"What?" He asked, sounding spacey.

"We asked if you were alright." A lady said, touching his shoulder.

Mike laughed harshly. "Am I alright? Am I alright?! My best friend doesn't remember me! How in the fucking world could I ever be alright?! Has your goddamn friend forgotten you?"

There was no answer.

"I thought not. Im fucking leaving. I'm done. I'm done with this fucking life. I'm fucking done. Fuck. Fuck it all. Fuck all this entire shit in the whole world." Mike ran out of the room.

He jogged swiftly through the halls and out the hospital doors. He got into his tan Subaru and drove home. He got in his house and slammed the door. He took everything that was Jeremy's and threw it all in a bunch of big trash bags. (except for the bed)

Then he can across one picture. It had a dark cobalt frame with small white dots covering the majority of it. Inside the frame was Mike, who was shoving his hands at the camera lenses. Jeremy had painted the dots and the frame and had taken the picture. A flood a memories from the last few weeks crashed into him. A tangled sob escaped from his lips, when suddenly, an idea came to him.

He took the frame back to the hospital.


"Do you remember taking this picture?" Mike asked Jeremy, his eyes filled with eagerness and hope.


'Mike c-c'mere!'

'What?' Mikes face looked towards Jeremy, who was holding a camera.

'Say cheese!' Jeremy held the camera up to his face to snap the picture.

At the same time, Mike moved his hand towards the camera.

'Click!' The camera snapped the picture, even though it wasn't perfect.

Jeremy started to laugh, even though his lenses had fingerprints on them now. He didn't care. He was too busy laughing at the photo.

Mike looked at the picture and started to laugh too.

'You better delete that!' Mike said pointing his finger at Jeremy.

'In your dreams!' Jeremy said back, scrambling away from Mike who was reaching out to grab the camera.

"I do! I remember that! I remember it!" Jeremy yelled gleefully, grabbing the picture and looking at Mike who was dancing around.

"I could just kiss you right-"

"I mean.." Mike blushed, his face turning red.

"Well maybe we can make that dream a reality if I get some more of my memory back!"

Just to let you guys know, JEREMY NO LONGER STUTTERS

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