Chapter 4

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Jeremy lay in his bed, staring at the dark ceiling. It was 3 am exactly and Jeremy couldn't fall asleep. He kept thinking about..... The kiss.

Questions popped into his head, one after another.

Did it mean anything? Does he love me? Do I love him? Did he like the kiss? Why did I kiss him? Did I really do that?

The questions were endless. But the biggest one of all pushed all the other questions out of the way.

Am I gay?


Tendrils of sunlight poured through the window. Jeremy refused to get out of his bed.

But a familiar voice made him shoot up.

"Really?!" Mikes voice carried into the room. "I can take him home!?"

Jeremy almost smiled.

He could go back.

Maybe it would trigger some memories.

Mike burst through the room.

"Jeremy! I can take you home! Whoo!" Mike snatched Jeremy from the hospital bed and carried him bridal style all the way to the front desk.

When they got there, Mike quickly signed out. The lady gave them a weird look, but they didn't notice.

"M-Mike!! Put me down!!! I'm gonna fall!" Jeremy clutched into Mikes neck for dear life.

"No way!" Mike replied, adjusting his hold on Jeremy.


Jeremy and Mike walked into the house.

Jeremy expected to be hit with a flood of memories, and Mike expected that for Jeremy too.

But it never happened.

"Well, what do you remember?!" Mike asked excitedly.

Jeremy paused, waiting for the memories to come flooding back. When they didn't, he said, "Nothing,"

"Nothing? Are you sure?" Mikes face dropped. "Try a little harder."

Jeremy started getting frustrated, a side affect of the brain damage. "I am! Nothing's popping up!"

Mike stepped back at the tone of his voice. "Okay, calm down. You're getting all worked up for nothing." Mike replied, his voice snarky.

"You're being an a-hole!" Jeremy yelled back, anger pulsating in his veins.

"Excuse me?!" Mikes pissed off voice rattled through-out the house.

"You heard me." Jeremy hissed. "A-hole."

Sorry it's short

Remember (a sequel to Jeremy and Mike)Where stories live. Discover now