Chapter 5

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"What the fuck Jeremy?!" Mike roared throwing his hands in the air.

Jeremy took a step back. He was starting to get worried. "I didn't mean it, Mike, I promise!" Jeremy's frantic voice trembled, as he backed away with his hands in front of his face.

"You didn't mean it my ass!" Mike walked closer to Jeremy.

"Mike please, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." hot tears welled in Jeremy's eyes as Mike stood before him, his hand raised, ready to hit him.

Jeremy flinched backwards, letting out a strangled, "Get away from me!" Jeremy scooted into a corner and wrapped himself in the fetal position sobbing.

Mike put his hand down, and his heart beat returned to normal. He had almost hit him. Mike looked at his shaking hand then at the teen whimpering before him. Mike reached out to touch Jeremy's hand. "Jeremy I-"

"Don't touch me!" Jeremy pushed farther into the corner, of that was even possible.

He couldn't take any more abuse. Many kids had already given him a life times worth of bruises.

"I-I need to be alone right now." Jeremy walked upstairs and into his bathroom.

He splashed some cold water on his face, trying to calm his shaky breaths. He barely knew Mike and he apparently lived with him. Did Mike abuse him like that all the time?

Jeremy looked in the mirror and was pulled into another vision.

"How come you never talk about your parents?" Jeremy asked, cuddling next to Mike.

"I don't really want to." Mike replied vaguely, badly wanting to change the conversation.

"Why?" Jeremy asked again.

He wasn't trying to pry, he was just curious.

"Because I don't want Jeremy." Mikes voice sounded different

It sounded... on edge.

"Well I want to meet them. Can I someday?" Jeremy snuggles closer to Mike who pushed him away.


Jeremy's feelings were hurt by Mikes words and actions.

"I just wanted to know." Jeremy said quietly.

"Well too bad." Mike replied, flicking through Chanel's on the TV.

"You don't have to be so rude about it." Said Jeremy, his pouty voice reaching Mikes ears.

"You don't have to be so annoying about it." Mike said in a mocking tone glaring at Jeremy.

Jeremy's face turned pink. He didn't think he was being annoying. "What's your problem?" Jeremy asked, offended.

"You're my problem." Mike said snarky.

"God, I was just trying to have a nice conversation with you!" Jeremy say in the chair, away from Mike.

"Yeah, and I was trying to watch TV."

"Why can't I talk to your parents?!" Jeremy yelled at Mike, getting frustrated.

"Don't you get it?!" Mike yelled, his voice breaking, "I don't have any parents! My parents are dead!"

Jeremy covered his mouth to hide his gasp. "You don't?" Jeremy asked in a whisper.

"....No" Mike looked down.

Jeremy ran over to Mike and hugged him, planting his lips oh his cheek.

"Well then that makes two of us." Jeremy said, a sideways smile slapped onto his pink face.

Jeremy shook his head.

That was weird.

Remember (a sequel to Jeremy and Mike)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu