Chapter 3

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"Are- ar you serious?" Mike looked at Jeremy in awe.

Would Jeremy really give Mike a chance?

"Of course. I mean, id have to get to know you and all, but I still like guys better than girls." Jeremy gave Mike a playful wink, which caused Mike to roll his eyes.

"You are such a flirt." Mikes words escaped his lips before he could stop them. "whoops." he said to himself, facing palming his face.

"Oh shut-"

Jeremy was pulled into another flashback. Need I remind you, the flashbacks usually last up to 30 seconds to 5 minutes. Depends on how long it is.

"Y-you are such a flirt." Jeremy said to Mike, a slight blush creeping across his cheeks.

"I know I am. I'm the best thing ever." Mike smirked smugly peering at Jeremy who was rolling his eyes.

"Nah. You're close, but not the best. But your flaws are my favorite thing about you." Jeremy looked at Mike, the blush growing a shade deeper.

Mike was astonished at Jeremy's deep answer. "Well I love everything about you and-" Mike stopped realizing that he had said the 'l' word.

He fumbled with his letters and his cheeks surprisingly turned a pale pink.

Jeremy was wide eyed. Love. Love. He said love.

Did Mike love him?

Mike was still fumbling with his words when Jeremy walked over and out a finger on his mouth. He meant for it to be sexy, but Mike ended up biting the finger instead.

"Ow!" Jeremy flinched yanking his finger back.

Jeremy rubbed his finger and looked at Mike who was currently apologizing.

Before Mike realized what was happening, it was already done. Jeremy leaned into Mike, who was sitting on a chair, cupped his face, and locked his lips on Mikes.

The kiss was soft as Jeremy waited for Mike to respond to the kiss.

But he didn't.

Mike shoved Jeremy away.

"What the fuck?!" Mike wiped his mouth.

He did not enjoy that one bit.

Jeremy's face turned red as he ran out of the room.

"No, Jeremy, wait! I'm not mad!"

Jeremy turned around, humiliated.

Mike walked up to Jeremy and kissed him back.

Jeremy gasped at the memory that had come flooding back to him, and a deep shade of red filled his face.

"Jeremy?" Mike asked, laughing and waving his hand in front of his face.

Sorry it's so short! It's really late here! THEIR FIRST KISS!

Remember (a sequel to Jeremy and Mike)Where stories live. Discover now