03. Governor's wedding

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Fernanda Cristobal

I opened the restaurant menu seeking a dish for the terrible hangover I was experiencing. I settled on a chicken soup and quickly ordered it.

Drinking on a week night was a big no for me, but Itati had begged me to go with her.

"Ms. Cristobal," a smooth voice called me to attention.  I unburied my hands from my hair and looked up. "Mateo" I said surprised to see him.

"Te ves de la chingada(you look like hell)" he said. I only chuckled at his comment feeling like hell.  "What do you want?" I asked in a rude voice.

"You're hand in marriage" he said without a second thought. I motioned for him to sit down unable to hold my head up.

"You know? It's funny that you think I have a choice." I said, addressing my own situation out loud. I held my head up, gazing into his eyes. Instead of relishing in his victory, his gaze darkened.

"Well then my dearest fiancé I came to give you something, and ask you for a favor." He took out of his pocket a box, and slid it toward me. "You're engagement ring."

I didn't bother opening it.

"What's the favor?" I said.

"The governor is getting married on Thursday, I need you to be my date." A wedding. "Why?" I asked.

"Esteban wants to meet you, and it would be a great opportunity for us to be seen together publically before our wedding." I nodded a strong ache pulsating through my head. "I'll be there."

Before the waiter could set down the chicken soup, I shook my head and told him to wrap it up for take-out.

I grabbed the container of soup, set down a big bill, and got up.

"Please tell you're men to stop following me." I said shifting my eyes down at him. Mateo only nodded, I smiled trumphantly before beggining to walk.

I knew I had forgotten the engagement ring on the table, it would be nothing but a daily reminder of the shit I'm in.

I got into my car and drove back to work, the two guys followed me for a while before they folded a street and left. I worked for a couple of hours more before heading home. Itati laid out in the sofa chair her eyes closed. She wore workout clothes so I assume she fell asleep after going to the gym.

We've shared this apartment ever since we became of age. I headed for the kitchen and began making a meal for two, my mind searching for the best way to tell Itati about the arrangement.

"Smell's good Fernanda." Itati said sleepily walking toward the stove to peek at what I had cooked. It was Fajita chicken and brown rice, I took out two plates and began serving. Itati took the wooden spoon from my hand and finished serving the plates. "Why do I get the feeling you have something important to tell me?" Itati said eyeing me suspiciously. I nodded setting down my plate, and taking a seat in our small kitchen table.

"I'm set to marry Mateo Arias in two month's," I muttered. "Mateo Arias... why?" She asked. "A pact has been made between both cartels, it has been arranged." Itati knew everything about me, I knew I could trust her.

"How do you feel about it?" She asked, listening attentively for my response,

"It's not ideal, but I really can't do anything about it?" She nodded, and this conversation which brough a bad taste to my mouth was left behind.

Thursday rolled in with speed and in a blink I was standing in front of the floor-length mirror in my walk-in closet re-applying Only Red Sephora lipstick.

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