05. Sicario

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Mateo Arias

I vividly recall my first job, a chubby old man around 5'4 he had snow white hair, and a bald around the middle of his head. Esteban drove me there personally showed me the man's picture and handed me a loaded gun.

It was an early Sunday morning he was at a small run-down restaurant, his family was with him, they where probably out for some breakfast, after mass.

It was an early Sunday morning he was at a small run-down restaurant, his family was with him, they where probably out for some breakfast, after mass

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A woman his age, and two children a little girl, and a boy seat around the man.

I was familiar with my gun, I had been practicing for a month or two. I was accustomed to it's weight, and the sensitivity of the trigger. Yet in the moment if felt as if I were carrying a brick, and my finger trembled.

Shooting at empty glass bottles, was something completely different to someone's head, "you can't fail me," Esteban had said as he handed me the gun. His words ran through my head, this was what I was kept alive for.

The fear of what would happen to me won, it was his life or mine.

Our eyes met, he knew why I was there and did nothing. I Positioned the gun in front of me, and pulled hard on the trigger.

The small piece of metal entered though his forehead, and swiftly went out. It was done, and I had to run.

Yet there I remained, my heavy eyes landed on the little girl, she was probably the age of my sister. Her eyes where not on his dad's motionless body, she did not dare to look.

Those tiny eyes where on me, her pupils dilated, she was terrified. The fear in her gaze, hunts me until this day, to a point in which I wake up in the middle of the night.

Esteban gave me countless photographs after that day, I learned to separate myself from it, found out that it was better that way.

Fernanda meets my eyes boldly, that's what I like about her, she is not afraid of me, but after tonight, I don't think that's true anymore.

I drove quickly suppressing the urge to explain myself, to comfort her. She was right to fear me after all, I am a monster.

I moved quickly, setting up the wedding date with Fernanda's father, he would take care of everything, as is costumery in Mexico, I just had to be there.

I had to be gone for a couple of weeks before the date so it worked out.

Esteban wanted me to go to Colombia and check out a problem with one of our drug suppliers, apparently he was asking for more money. I could have denied Esteban, using the wedding as an excuse. Yet I knew that if I stayed I would go see Fernanda, I would apologize.

The hold she had on me was big, and part of me didn't like it.

In a couple of day's I found myself in the middle of the harsh Colombian rainforest, fighting off giant mosquitos, and drinking a gallon of water every day. Patricio the guy in charge of the operation, is very old, and hard of hearing. I practically had to scream my lungs out in order for him to understand me.

The camp was very much makeshift, it consisted of a couple of large cabins for the coca leave cultivators, and some small ones for the leader, and some others

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The camp was very much makeshift, it consisted of a couple of large cabins for the coca leave cultivators, and some small ones for the leader, and some others.

Patricio and I made a deal in the first few day's but the truck that would take me back to civilization would come back ten day's.

I spent my day's simply, lent a hand in the overseeing of the coca cultivation, punished a couple of people, and killed a random worker who was said to be a spy from an enemy camp.

When there was nothing to do I would sit under a random tree and smoke cigarettes which where abundant as tabacco was cultivated amongst the coca leaves.

I thought often of my soon-to-be wife Fernanda, my thoughts ranged from the innocent ones, to the depraved. I would lie on my bed and wonder if she was thinking of me, then I would imagine her lying beside me.

Staring at me with those big brown eyes of her, glazed with desire.

My dick jumped to attention, at the thought of all the position's I would put her in, how her lips would stretch around my cock. Her face falling down with relief, as I made her cum.

If I could, I would have rushed to her apartment building a million times over by now. The red truck came early in the morning of my tenth day, my wedding would happen in less then three day's.

It took us the whole day to get out of the forest, I was driven to the nearest airport, and boarded the first plane to Mexico.

"Que chingados te paso?(What the fuck happened to you?)" Esteban said as soon as he saw me, he had personally come to the airport to receive me. I shrugged, I knew I looked like shit.

I hadn't closed my eyes in more then three day's, my hair and beard could use a trim, my skin was dirty, sunburnt, and ridden with mosquito bites. "Let's get you home so that you can take a shower, and Mario will drive you later to get you're hair cut, and he will bring you an ointment for all those hives." I leaned into the back of the Mercedes.

"It was a mistake to send you, especially so close to the wedding." That is all Esteban cared about, the wedding, how the Aries will be perceived. I spent more then ten minutes in the shower scrubbing frantically with antibacterial soap every part of my body. Fernanda could not see me like this, she might run out on me.

I fell asleep as soon as I lied in my bed, I sure was glad to be out of that damned forest. A series of knocks woke me from my slumber.

"Mateo!" I recognized that voice it was Esteban.

He stood outside my apartment door, a group of woman behind him. "The wedding is in less then two hours they'll take care of you." He said.

"Fuck" I muttered I had slept through most of yesterday and today.

The woman surrounded me one cut my hair, another one trimmed my beard. They plucked my eyebrows and applied some green paste on my face. They applied some makeup to hide my sunburnt face, and they even cut my nails.

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