Chapter 1 - Innocence

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* Cameron's POV *

3 years later...

"Emerald City"

"Welcome to Emerald City! The best cyber utopia you ever visited!"

Many flyers was scattered on the pavement floor, it was the busy city. The flyer immediately stepped by people who rushing in their way, a lot of solar powered building and a lot of digital screen where people promoting their product.

"New Day, New Life, Welcome to Emerald Wonderland! The peaceful utopia for people!"

"Xeon, selling products under a low discount!"

"Try JuJu! A juice from a real oranges! Contain the high vitamin C and collagen, get it now!!!"

A advertisement was overpowered in the screen.

"Emerald City"

or can be spelled as E.M.C, was a cyber wonderland that was ruled by AI and human. The population of human was only least 60% meanwhile 40% are a robot and mostly are worker AI. The utopia that was builded like the terrarium and least became a most tourists attraction.

The city was specialized area where it was generated by a power turbine called "Alice Core", the electric engine powered by a unknown source.

In short term, entire electricity of the city and AI robots was controlled by "Alice Core" and if anything happen to it, it will causes a massive destruction.

No one known whose creation it was, the city itself doesn't have a leader or the "Alice" itself was controlling the AI to follow the rule and excess their limit of thinking so it won't became sentient and became smarter than human.

A recognizable man was walking fast toward the zebra crossing, wearing a plain white T-shirt. The man was holding a paper cup of "EmeraldBuck" drink on his right hand meanwhile his mouth was biting a big croissant pastries.

His emerald eyes was looking toward the big screen of the building.

"No news of her..."

He continued walk through the alleyway and finally arrived at sort of "clinic", it was quite hidden and have a old banner "Dr. Huaxu Clinic". Even though it was quite old as if it was centuries years ago, it still operated really well. The old light bulbs barely hold it for their dear life as it flickering, Cameron barely sneered before remain quiet.

"It been 3 years since their capture..."

He sigh and walk through the automatic transparent slide door. A sweet sound of bell was dinging, it leaving soft yet raining noise as Cameron's eyes squinting by the screeching noise.

*Taa langg ~ *

The man entered the clinic as it busy with a lot broken robots and AI. All of them are waiting to be treated, some of them have a crack on their faces and some of them are wet and decorated with lily pad and a live duck that was sitting calmly on them.

"Did they fall into a pond?"

Suddenly a old robot that resemble a girl slide through the opening, the robot had her pink ponytails and nurse outfit, instead of walking she's using a roller skates.

The girl check on the wet robot by scanning with her eyes, she touch the head with both of her hand for better look.

"Did you fall into the pond again, mister?"

The girl sigh as the wet robot nodded it's head. Cameron were looking at her, she carefully put the white duck down and lily pad on his head.

"A NSROID... Her name is Lucy from what I remember from the mefical  records.."

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