Rose Pond

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months later.. (im too lazy LOL)

niki: are you free tmr night?

sunoo: yea why?

niki: i'll pick you up at 5

sunoo: casual or formal?

niki: anything, you look cute in everything

sunoo: 🙈

the rizzlers 🥶🥶

niki: guys im asking sunoo to be my bf again 😣😣

heeheeseung: dont you think its a bit too soon? have you thought this out fully?

niki: yes heeseung
its been months and we've worked it out trust 🤞🏼🤞🏼

heeheeseung: what are you gonna do if he says no?

niki: hope he still wants to be friends

jay: stop being a buzzkill heeseung
if he wants to date him again then thats his dicision
and if it goes wrong then we'll be there to support him

jake: yea
what are you planning to do?

niki: well im planning on taking him out to where he first took me out which is the cat cafe near my house and then we'll go to the flower garden where i'll lead him to the rose pond which is his favorite place


niki: TYY
i wanna ask him to hoco too


jay: ^^^^

next day..

"My god, Riki! Why are you so stressed?!" His sister, Konon, asked him. He had been running around the house looking for things, checking himself in every mirror, and frantically calling Jay.

"I'm asking Sunno to be my boyfriend tonight and it needs to be PERFECT!"

"Were you guys not already dating?" She replied, leaning against his door.

"And stop brushing your hair so aggre- you know what just let me do it! Now explain."

He sighed.

"Well we were, but then I called him the love of my life and so he kinda broke up with me-"


"Girl calm down, anyway as i was saying," he glared at her through the mirror.

", He only broke up with me because shit happened with his ex and then we made up and we decided to just be friends and that was a few months ago. I think we're ready now!"

"And what happens if he says no..?"

"Then I'll throw myself off a cliff!"



"Don't talk like that! Now go! You're running late!" She shooed him out

"Have fun! But not too much!"

when he arrived...

"Hi, Sun! You look amazing!"

"Hi, Ki! Thank you! You do too!"

"Oh thank you!" He blushed, Sunoo only giggled

"So, Where are we going?"

"Cat Cafè."


"Yup! And then we're going to the Flower Garden!"

"I'm so exciteddd!" He was practically bouncing off his seat.

"OH MY GOD THEIR SO CUTE!" Sunoo squealed the moment he walked in.

After being there for hours, they had finally left. (only after having to drag Sunoo out)

"We're going to the Flower Garden, right?"

"Mhm! I hope you're as excited as the cafè" Ni-ki laughed.

"Of course I am! Anywhere with you is always fun!"

"Yeah, I always have fun with you too!"


"Can we go to the Rose Pond?"

"Yea, I'm just gonna use the bathroom real quick! Wait for me here, okay?" Sunoo nodded in response

"You got this Riki! He's gonna say yes and you'll live happily ever after with him!" Ni-ki knew he was being delusional, I mean how often do first and last relationships last?

"Just be positive! It'll all work out!" With that he splashed some water on his face and went back to Sunoo.

"Ready to go?"

"Yup! I heard they added new flowers!"

"Wow, really?"

"Mhm! Let's go!"

"Woah, it's even prettier than last time!" Sunoo said in awe

"Not as pretty as you though." Sunoo blushed and smacked Ni-kis arm

The two talked for what seemed like hours until Ni-ki finally asked.

"Sunoo, I have something to ask you.."

"All ears."

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

cliff hanger 😛😛🙈🥰😣

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