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Ni-ki created a groupchat
Ni-ki added Sunsun 🤍 and Dad (the better parent)
Ni-ki named the groupchat "pookie bears"

Sunoo: hii ki! whos the other person? ^^

Ni-ki: my dad 😍

Dad: Hello! I'm assuming you're Sunoo? My son's boyfriend?

Sunoo: yup!

Ni-ki: my dad wanted to meet you sun! and jays parents wanna meet you too so be at jays house on friday at 6 😛🤞🏼

Dad: I'll be there! I can't wait to meet you, Sunoo!

Sunoo: I'll be there too (obviously 😭) and like wise!!

Ni-ki: see you guys there 😍😍


A week passed and Ni-ki anxiously sat on the couch, watching the door.

message from "Sunsun 🤍"

Sunoo: im on my way! <33

"Mom! Sunoos on his way!" Ni-ki yelled.

"Oh, I better hurry up with dinner then!" She turned to her husband mouthing "He called me mom!" he just laughed.

message from "dad (actual one)"

Dad: I'll be there in 20! Sorry, work ran late

"My dad will be here in 20!"



"Jay.. do you think your dad gets sad that i still call my dad 'dad'?" Ni-ki asked, walking into the olders room. Jay looked up, confused

"Uhh no? I mean you're not obligated to call anyone mom or dad.. unless you want to. And besides, you still have a good relationship with your dad so I don't think you have to stop calling him that!"

"Yea.. you're right. Sorry for bothering you!" Now Jay was even more confused. Why was he apologizing? Ni-ki never apologizes to anyone, especially for bothering him!

"What's wrong, Riki? I know you're going through a lot right now but you can talk to me!"

"I just- I'll tell you later.. I don't want to spoil your day."

"Okay.. You sure?" Ni-ki nodded at him, his face lighting up once he heard the doorbell ring. He immediately ran to the door before anyone else could.

"Sun! I missed you so much!" Ni-ki yelled, jumping into his arms. Sunoo gladly carried him up and planted a kiss on his head.

"I missed you too, Ki! Now get off before you smash the cake and flowers!" Ni-ki pouted and got off. Upon hearing the commotion, Mr and Mrs Park emerged from the kitchen.

"Awee, you two are so cute!" Mrs Park said, putting her hand to her chest.

"Oh! Hello, Mr and Mrs Park! I brought you guys some cake!" Sunoo said, bowing to them.

"Oh you shouldn't have! Thank you!" Mr Park exclaimed, smiling.

"Hi, Jay! How are you?" Sunoo asked when Jay came out of his room.

"I was doing good until you got here.."

"Oh shut up Jay, I know you love me!" Sunoo teased, Jay smiled at him.

"I really don't, Sunoo, I really don't." Everyone laughed at their bickering. They all went to the living room.

"So.. how'd you guys meet?" Mr Park asked. The atmosphere in the room was very awkward.

"We met through our friends, Jungwons my best friend whos dating Jay!" Sunoo replied. He didn't think that telling them they met on social media would send a good message.

"How long have you two been dati-" His interrogation was cut short by a knock on the door.

"Excuse me.." Ni-ki said, getting up from the couch. He opened the door to see his dad standing with Sola.

"Sola wanted to come too.. I hope that's okay." His dad said, looking down. Ni-ki smiled at him and bent down to pick up Sola.

"Hey Sola! Did you miss me that much?" Ni-ki teased.

"No! I just wanted to interrogate the person who you'll marry!" At that, Sunoo came in.

"I'm marrying you now?" He said with a smile. Sola gasped when she saw him. Ni-ki smirked and mouthed "Of course you will".

"Sunoo!? You're his boyfriend?! Riki put me down!" Sola yelled, wiggling out of her older brothers arms.

"Listen here, since you're dating Riki you need to treat him right! Or else!" She yelled again, looking up Sunoo.

"I promise I will! I'll even marry him!" He bent down to whisper that last part with a huge smile on his face.

Everyone laughed at her cuteness and Sunoos response.

"Well, Shall we get dinner started!?" Mr Park exclaimed, he was very hungry.


Two hours passed before the Nishimuras had to leave. The dinner went well, with everyone interrogating the hell out of Sunoo. You know, as parents do. Everyone LOVED Sunoo, especially Sola.

Once they said their goodbyes Ni-ki led Sunoo to his new room but not before stopping by Jay's room to annoy him.

"Would you get out?! I'm trying to talk to Jungwon!" The younger two giggled before they scurried away.


only a few chapters left (i think 🙈)

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