First thoughts

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How the Slytherin boys first thoughts of seeing you.

Draco Malfoy

Before the start of the school year, his and your parents extended an invitation to you and your parents to come over for dinner because they were good friends

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Before the start of the school year, his and your parents extended an invitation to you and your parents to come over for dinner because they were good friends. Although your parents forced you to go, you truly didn't want to. Draco flung wide the door and invited all of you inside. He saw how attractive you were right away but kept it to himself. And based only on what you had heard about him, you didn't particularly like him. Your guy's parents kept on talking, leaving only you and Draco. As time passed, you began to suspect that Draco might not be all that evil.

"You know you're not so bad, Malfoy."

"You either, Y/L/N."

You two have become fond of one another, and you are both delighted to have a new friend at Hogwarts as the new school year begins.

Mattheo Riddle

You are Draco's best friend, and Mattheo has always had a crush on you

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You are Draco's best friend, and Mattheo has always had a crush on you. He merely thought you two were dating, which made him envious. Draco and Mattheo were having lunch together when you approached them. Draco stated how happy he was that a new chaser like you had joined the Quidditch team.

"Yeah, I bet you're excited. You two being together and all."

Draco chuckled as he gently chugged his beverage. He clarified that you two were unquestionably not connected. Mattheo's eyes began to glow.

"Oh... I'll be right back."

Mattheo got up, went looking for you, sat down next to you, and gave you a formal introduction. You two have only ever spoken in passing and without ever being properly introduced.

"I know who you are. Drac talks about you a lot and I've asked about you before."

That response pleased Mattheo, who grinned. You two actually got to know one other very well at lunch and the remainder of the day.

Theo Nott

You guys were partners on a potions project

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You guys were partners on a potions project. You enjoyed the class, but he detested it. Therefore, you were irritated with Theo since he was kind of slacking off and letting you do all the work.

"So, are you actually going to do any work or are you just going to sit here like an annoying git?"

Theo grinned at you before doing the easy duty of handing you something so you could go to the next stage.

"Here, I helped."

You sneered before moving on to the subsequent action. He entered and began to do the remainder of the assignment because he was feeling rather awful. You were taken aback since you had assumed that he was always rude and did nothing except sit and observe your work.

"Thank you, Nott. That was actually very kind of you."

"You're welcome, Y/L/N. But don't get used to it."

He blushed, but he averted his eyes as you laughed at him. You grinned, imagining that perhaps you had misjudged him.

Enzo Berkshire

Regarding the next move and what to do for the potions project, you two were at odds

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Regarding the next move and what to do for the potions project, you two were at odds.

"Look, I have a higher grade in this class. I know what I'm doing."

"You don't even know my grade. It could be higher, and I could be right about the next step."

You two had a little argument before Snape ordered you to put the argument aside and move forth with the project. Even if you didn't truly mean it, you made the decision to apologies nevertheless because you are a bigger person.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I just care a lot about passing all projects in here."

"It's okay, I understand me too. you're really smart you probably know exactly what you're doing."

You give him a kind grin and lightly touch his shoulder.

"And you are too. I'm sure you know what you're doing also. But we do have to get this done so let's make a compromise."

You two came up with a solution to complete the project, and you ultimately received a very high passing mark. And a relationship, maybe developing into something more.

Blaise Zabini

It was your first-time shopping at Diagon Ally, and he was in his second year of school

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It was your first-time shopping at Diagon Ally, and he was in his second year of school. You were out purchasing books when Blaise, who exuded such assurance and ease, caught your attention. So, you thought that you could decide to ask for his assistance.

"Excuse me? Can you help me find these?"


He didn't actually speak, but he gently grabbed your paper and led you to the area of the shop where everything you wanted was available.

"Thank you..."


You smiled.

"Well thank you Blaise for helping me. I'm a first year so this all doesn't make any sense."

"You're welcome."

When it came time to get sorted, you grinned and peered out into the throng. When you saw Blaise sitting there grinning at you, you immediately felt at peace.


You received a thunderous round of applause from everyone, grinned, and then made your way to the Slytherin table, where you sat next to Blaise.

"It's nice to see you again."

"It's nice to see you again too, Blaise."

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