Chapter 1

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April's Pov-

"April are you ready sweetheart?" I hear a soft voice shouting my name from downstairs. I sigh packing more of my life into bags not knowing what lies ahead of me. From what I've been told the soft voice I hear shouting my name is a woman called Pepper I have never met this woman but she's apparently my father's assistant. I've also never met my father either all I know is his name is Tony Stark and he is a very rich man.

My life hasn't been what other people would call perfect in fact it's been the complete opposite of perfect. My mum was an alcoholic piece of shit my mum's family were all abusive and not one of them cared when mum took her own life when I was 14. Now I'm 18 and have been living by myself for the past four years and nobody has noticed this until now. Why does anyone care? No one has cared before I think people honestly forgot I even existed but apparently now.

I continue to let my thoughts slip away from me and finish off throwing my stuff in bags. "April? Are you ready we really need to go your father is waiting for us" Pepper knocks the door causing me to jump. "Erm yeah I think so" I shyly say back not knowing what to say or how to feel. "Alright sweet lets get your stuff down to the car we have quite the drive ahead of us today." She says with a sweet smile on her face.

"I think that's the last of the bags now" She says with a little bit of a laugh I nod still not knowing what to say to her. She places a hand on my small shoulder and smiles "Your going to be okay you know, we will look after you I know this is all unfamiliar now but give it 6 months and if you don't feel comfortable with us by then, then I promise I will drive you back here myself" she says looking at me with her soft eyes. I nod and she gestures for me to get in the car.

I slip into the car watching out the window watching the house I grew up in get further and further away from me until its no longer in sight. A pit in my stomach forms knowing that I have absolutely no idea where I am going or if I'm even going to like my father, maybe he won't like me. I'm no stranger to people not liking me my mum's entire family hated me they didn't even take the time to get to know me and I wasted time trying to get them to like me.

We drive in silence for what feels like forever the pit in my stomach continuing to grow with each passing mile. Questions fly through my head, what's going to happen when I get there? Is he going to like me? Will things be different? Will he even remember me? My mind is going crazy. I've always dreamed of the day I would finally meet my father but I never in a million years thought it would happen. Mum always told me dad was a bad person who did bad things, but I always consider her to be a monster how bad could he really be compared to her and her family?

Before long I realise we had been driving for about 5 hours, the sun has began to set and time seems to be going unbelievable fast now that we seem to be getting close to 'home'. Never did I think I would call California home but here we are I only know where we are after seeing signs saying 'Welcome to California'. "We are almost here" Pepper says breaking me out of my trance "O-oh okay" I manage to mutter nodding my head. Five minutes later we are pulling into the carpark of what seems like the tallest building in California. Pepper parks the car and looks at me.

"Don't worry about your bags we don't need to get them out here we are just here to meet Mr Stark... oh I mean your father" She looks at me smiling. I get out the car sighing how badly can this go? I ask myself. "if you will follow me, I will take you up to your fathers office." I nod following her my heart racing and my chest getting tight anxiety riddling my petite body. Still following Pepper, we climb what feels like a thousand flights of stairs until we are faced with a door to what seems like a huge office. All I can hear is Back In Black by AC/DC i only notice it because its on of my favourite songs.

"April are you ready?" Pepper's soft voice pulling me back to reality, I feel my body tense up and my chest get tighter, but I still nod as she knocks the door. "Mr Stark its Pepper." Her soft voice barely noticeable over the music but still the music stops, and I hear footsteps come toward the door. Anxiety overtakes me and all I want to do I run away but my feet won't allow it my body feels frozen to this exact spot.

After what feels like years the door open and a man is stood there scanning me up and down taking in my appearance. "You must be April, pleasure to meet you." He says warmly which catches me off guard. "Y-you too Mr Stark." My voice comes out barely a squeak. "Call me dad or Tony if that makes you more comfortable." He replies his expression unreadable. I nod as he invites us into his office. "Actually, Mr Stark I have some things to do before I get April home if you don't mind I wont be to long." She says with a smile putting her hand on my shoulder before leaving me alone with him.

He looks at me with a strange look before stepping out of the way allowing me to walk into the room. Looking around I see posters of someone called 'Iron Man' "Are you an Iron man fan?" He questions, I shrug "I've never heard of iron man." I look down at the floor. "Never heard of Iron man have you ever watched tv?" He looks at me disappointedly. "We never had a tv at home Sir my family couldn't afford one." I mumble looking down at the floor sadness clearly evident on his face he seems lost for words and puts his hand on my shoulders. "Don't worry we will get you up to speed with the world." His soft voice makes me feel somewhat safe

We talk for what feels like hour as he explains all about himself, telling me all about Iron Man and the avengers. He seems to live a good life questions spring into my head I want to ask why he wasn't around? Why didn't he visit? Was I not good enough? But I don't want to ruin things already I don't want to make him feel like I'm rude or that I am trying to take him away from his clearly perfect world but it hurts to know me and mum weren't enough for him.

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