Chapter 6

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*3 days later*

Slowly I open my eyes everything is bright, my eyes sting trying to adjust to the light. Confused I try looking around the room being all white makes the light seem so much worse. "Mum." I mumble my voice hoarse; I feel someone grab my hand. "April sweetheart are you okay?" The voice filled with worry; I turn my head meeting dad's gaze. "Oh, April I thought you were gone." His eyes seemed puffy as if he had been crying. "Dad I'm sorry." My eyes tear up looking at him. "Never ever do anything that stupid again, you got hit and didn't tell anyone until it was almost to late! You could have died. I knew you weren't ready yet but none of you listened to me why April why?" His voice is soft, but anger seems to fill his voice as well. I just stayed quiet.

For once I just wanted someone to be proud of me, and not see me as a liability. Me and dad stay silent for what feels like forever before the door opens and Rodgers walks in. "Oh my god she's awake!" He says looking between us. Dad just nods and I stay quite knowing he's already pissed at me. I thought I did good I thought he of all people would be proud but instead he's pissed with me, I just want to cry but I don't want to look weak In front of either of them

"I'm going to go get us some food Cap will you stay with her while I'm gone, I don't need her doing anything stupid again?" Dad breaks the silence rubbing his face with his hands. Steve nods watching dad get out of his chair "I won't be long." He mumbles walking out. "Hey kid chin up he's not mad at you he's mad at all of us but he's also mad at himself." Rodgers looks at me taking my hand in his. "I know I fucked up okay I just thought he would be proud." I sigh. "He is proud, he was scared April we didn't know if you were going to survive, your injuries were worse than any of us knew. We all thought you were going to die." He says his sweet voice lifting the atmosphere.

I try readjusting myself in the bed feeling uncomfortable in the position I assume I have been in for days. A wave of nausea washes over me and I throw my fist over my mouth, "Cap I'm going to throw up." I get my words out as quickly as I can. His face instantly seems to panic looking round the room to see what he can find. Grabbing a cardboard bowl and handing it to me. I start dry heaving and he grabs my hair avoiding letting drape into my face. Dad walked back in taking a second to survey the scene before putting the food down and ruching to my side, rubbing my back.

After I was finished Steve took the sick filled bowl and disposed of it. Dad stayed put still rubbing circles into my back. "You okay kiddo?" His voice different to what it was before he left. I nod wiping my mouth and laying back down. "Can we go home soon?" I question. "I-I'm not sure, I think they will have to run a few tests, but we will get you home as soon as we can okay." He pushes my hair behind my ears wiping the beads of sweat off my forehead.

"April Stark." A nurse appears from the hall way "Is it okay if we check you over and we can get started on your discharge papers?" Her eyes locking onto mine as I nod and she begins to do all of her checks. "Everything to looking good, looks like the stitches are doing their job. We don't recommend any physical activity for at least 2 or so months, you risk reopening the wounds." She looks at dad. "Don't worry if I have anything to do with it she will be on bed rest and wrapped in bubble wrap for the rest of her life." He jokingly says. The nurse lets out a chuckle. "We will get the discharge papers started straight away Mr Stark." She says with a smile and walks out of the room. "See you will be home in no time." He strokes my hair making my body instantly relax.

Dad starts packing my stuff into my bag constantly looking back to check on me. "D-dad I don't feel so good again." I mumble he looks over at me rushing to my side. "Talk to me kiddo what's wrong?" His voice soft but firm. "I'm going to be sick again." I muttered. Dad instantly sprung into action grabbing the closest thing he could for me to throw up in. grabbing my hair out of my sweaty face rubbing my back with his spare hand as I throw up into the bucket. Trying to catch my breath dad continued rubbing my back as I lift my head to look at him. "You okay?" he asks, and I just nod not really knowing how to answer.

"I want to go home." I cry feeling uncomfortable. He strokes my hair "I know kiddo I know; we will be home soon I promise." As if listening to out convocation the nurse walks back in with papers in hand. "Here are Miss Starks discharge papers any issues please don't hesitate to come back and get checked. But other than that, you are free to go." She smiles at us sweetly before walking out. "Let's get you to the car kiddo." He says as he helps me out of bed.

He calls Steve to come help and they both get me to the car. "I've let everyone know she is alright Tony; everyone wants to meet at yours. Even Loki and Bucky want to meet her." Cap says looking at dad. "Loki?" He asks, "Why would Loki want to meet her?" Dad asks as I try to lie down in the back seat. Steve shrugs as dad starts driving. I quickly fall asleep laying on the back seat not knowing what is going on around me.

"April. Wake up we are home." Dad says shaking me to wake me up I just grumble as I feel someone lift me out. "Have you got her Rodgers? Don't drop her." Dad says. "Tony stop panicking I've got her." Steve replies. I feel cap lay me on the sofa. "How is she?" I hear Clint's voice chime in. "She's fine I think she's just exhausted." Dad answers him. "aren't we all." Nat joins in the convocation. I just hear them all let out a small laugh before opening my eyes trying to sit it. "Stay put kiddo, don't move around too much don't want you to damage your stitches." Dad says to me

"Hey kid, how are you feeling?" I look over to Clint, seeing everyone sat on the sofas with us. I just nod "I-I'm okay." I say. everyone shares a small smile looking at me. "That was a stupid move you know getting hit and not telling anyone, we are supposed to be a team. Getting injured on a mission is no joke. You need to take this stuff more seriously. We can't lose you." Clint looks at me. "I know I just want to make people proud. "We are all proud of you April but getting injured and not telling anyone is a stupid and reckless move." Clint continues. "Alright, alright that's enough she's already had this convocation with me she doesn't need you lot on her ass as well." Dad saves me from answering.

For a while everyone sits there nattering to each other. "Guys this is my brother, Loki." Thor's voice appears as I catch eyes with his brother Loki, he looks mysterious. Everyone introduces themselves to Loki, but he keeps looking over at me. Something in my mind tells me that I've seen him before or even met him and his eyes scan mine as if he's thinking the same exact thing. "I'm Loki God of mischief" He says his piercing green eyes complimenting his grin.

Everyone continues talking amongst themselves, I slowly get up off the couch making my way to the back door to get some air. "April" I hear his voice bringing back memories. Hearing him argue with my mother when I was a child never knowing who he was or what he was doing. "April wait." He continues "I needed to see you again darling. I tried to protect you from your mother as a child, but she was to much." He says still flowing me. "I don't know you" I try to lie to myself and him. He grabs my wrist turning me to look at him. "Yes, you do I used to stroke your hair until you fell asleep, I watched and protected you. Surely you remember all of this." "No I don't now please let go of me." I yank my wrist from his grip.

Sparks flew through my body as I pulled away some sort of connection made me feel intrigued as If I wanted to know more about him. His eyes drew me in he looked upset that I didn't remember him, but I did I just didn't want him to know that. Loki walked off going to join the others back in the living room. I sighed how did I get caught up in all this, how did I end up living my life with a bunch of superheroes'?

"Hey kid everything alright people are asking where you've got to?" Clint's voice brings me back to reality. "I'm fine just needed some air for a minute. Don't worry." I look at him. "I'm not worried I know you can handle yourself." He smiles and I smile back. He places his hand on my shoulder "your going to be alright kid." He says before walking off.

Before long everyone started to leave, leaving just me and dad sat in the living room. "You should get yourself to bed kiddo, you deserve a decent sleep." He looks at me looking just as tired as I feel. "What about you?" I ask. "I've got some work to do in the lab." He says. "Dad you still need to sleep you can't just stay up every night please I will help you in the lab tomorrow." I look at him. "You won't be moving off this damn sofa tomorrow, what doesn't you understand about no physical activity and bed rest?" He snaps. "I'm not an idiot dad but whatever suit yourself goodnight." I grumble heading up to bed

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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