Chapter 4

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*six months later*

"April come on your going to be late for your training session!" Dad huffs from the hallway. "I know I know I'm coming" I sigh coming out of my room going downstairs grabbing an apple out of the fruit bowl, sinking my teeth into it. "Why am I bothering to do this? Its been six month and I'm making no progress surely, we should have seen some sort of progress by, now right? Everyone is going to think I'm useless if it carries on like this." I sigh feeling defeated. "Hey, don't think like that you're not useless. You've spent 18 years thinking you were a normal person your bound to be struggling to find yourself its not going to be easy we talked about this you will get there I promise." His voice always calms me no matter what has saying he always manages to make me feel better. I just nod still feeling a little defeated. "Who am I even training with today?" I question him. "Barton no wait that was 2 days ago I think its Rodgers but I'm not sure, but you will find out when you get there. Now you know the drill go get them kiddo." He smiles planting a kiss on my forehead.

Me and cap became quick friends after everyone finally warmed up to me I understand they were all worried about what was going to happen but for the first month I felt like a bit of an outcast, dad kept trying to make me feel included but I wasn't making progress so nothing he said made me feel any better. Now its not to bad I have no ability, but everyone is doing there best to help me find it.

I make my way out to my car, after a while of being here dad finally got me my own car and to have that little bit of freedom makes me feel so much better I can drive myself round for hours if my head starts to get bad again it hasn't happened in a while but between training and helping dad in the lab I don't get much time for things to get bad again. It's a good distraction.

I drive myself to meet up with Steve for coffee before I drive us both to the compound. "You ready im about to bust your ass today kid." He giggles knowing damn well I'm not. I roll my eyes "I really hate you sometimes you know." I scoff. "Don't lie to me." He laughs and I hit him in the arm making our way to the training room. I look down at my feel knowing this isn't going to change anything my ability doesn't seem to exist. "Rodgers do you actually believe this is ever going to work?" I look at him as he stays quiet for a moment. He sighs "You need to get out of your own head or its definitely not going to work, the more worked up about it working the less of a chance you have. You need to clear your head before we start let's try something new today." He gives me a warm smile

Steve pulls a chair into the middle of the room sitting down on it "what are you doing?" I look at him with a strange look on my face. "Like I said we are going to try something new clearly you don't think working out is working for you so let's try something new. Place your fingers on my temple and focus on looking into my mind." He says his voice soft and sweet. I sigh walking over doing as he instructed.

I try to clear my head focusing on Steve's mind. Pushing myself to focus on what I can find, nothing but black fills my head, trying to dig deeper pushing myself to close my eyes. I start losing hope beginning to give up, just as I go to open my eyes I see it. Steve is thinking about is killing people he looks the same but everything around him screams that this isn't in the modern day I feel like I'm watching an old war film. Within an instant I jump opening my eyes falling backwards. Steve jumps out of his chair as I clutch at my chest taken back by my own capabilities panic fills my body, I start trembling trying not to cry not knowing what was happening.

"Hey hey April look at me, your okay, your fine I promise everything Is okay." I hear him say but my mind seems to be blanking everything out his voice sounds so far away yet he's right in front of me. "Stop it get away from me you're a monster!" I scream scrambling to get to my feet as he grabs my wrist. "April... I'm- I'm sorry." He stutters on his words as I yank my wrist from his grasp and run off trying to catch my breath. I can feel my heart beating in my chest, as I run up the stairs as fast as my legs will allow me.

I try to focus my mind on other things as I try to calm myself down but all I can see is the blood that surrounded him, I screw my eyes shut trying to get rid of the image but nothing seems to work no matter how hard I try it stays there as if I had been there myself. "April, wait let me explain." I hear Steve's voice from behind me he's clearly out of breath from trying to chase me. "Y-you killed people." I spat the words out like venom off my tongue. He looks at me seeming a little hurt by my words. "You don't even know the half of it, you have no idea what happened. Please let me explain it's really not what you think." He replies as calmly as he possibly could holding his hand out for me to take. I sigh giving in giving him the opportunity to explain why that was on his mind, I take his hand as he leads me to another room.

After listening to him speak to me the whole thing begins to make more and more clear I curse myself for being so naïve and assuming the worst of someone. "I-I'm so sorry I just thoug-" I spoke before he cut me off "I know what you thought that's why I wanted to catch up to you and explain myself but you bolted faster than a lightning strike I didn't know which way you went. I'm sorry if you felt like I pushed you so far I just want to see you succeed I'm really sorry kid."

Before the convocation could continue, I hear the door burst open. "April! Why is Jarvis telling me your heartbeat is four times what it sound be?" Dad's voice boomed through the almost empty room like a clap of thunder. "Stark it worked!" Steve spoke before I could. "What do you mean it worked what did you do to her?" Dad replied still sounding worried and looking as mad as his voice sounded when he first walked in. "She saw into my mind she did it Tony she did it!" He seemed to chuckle a little as if trying to clear the worried look off Dad's face. Which seemed to work, Dad's face changed from worried to some sort of proud smile. "I always knew she could do it. I'm so damn proud of you April I always believed in you we all did. How did you manage to get her to do it?" He smiled coming to sit with us.

After explaining the whole ordeal to dad and a lot of apologies from Rodgers dad just laughed looking at me "In all seriousness are you okay? Are you feeling okay do you need to go home?" He asks and I shake my head "I'll be fine I was just startled, now I know I have nothing to worry about I'll be fine, but I do have one question." I say and he nods, and I continue "How did Jarvis know what my heart rate was?" "Jarvis can register anyone in this building not just you, but he also knows you as a person he knows you as my daughter." I nod taking in his answer. "Anyway, kid I think Barton is waiting for you he told me to send you down to him at 3:30 so I think it best you get to him... he can get well impatient." Rodgers interjects my convocation. "Yeah, no worries ill head to him now." I sigh getting up "Catch you both later I guess." I half hearted smile walking out of the door knowing I'm going to be spending the next few hours training in combat.

By the time I finish training with Clint its already half 6. "You did good today, why do you look so miserable?" Clint asks putting a hand on my shoulder. "I'm just tired its been a long day." I reply puttying on a fake smile knowing he would buy it. "No worried well like I said you did good today, go get yourself a well deserved sle-" He says being interrupted by the speakers shouting the avengers names, I look at him with a worried look hearing my name too. "Looks like your in for your first mission today kid." He laughs as we both run out of the gym to meet up with everyone. 

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