Chapter 5

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We walk into the room where everyone is gathered the room flooded with high tech equipment. The atmosphere filled with anticipation. Steve, Dad, Nat, Bruce, Clint, and Thor all there ready to tackle their next mission. Steve stood there as if he was in charge, standing at the head of the table, his shield resting against his chair. "Alright team," He begins his voice seeming to catch everyone's attention even my own. "We have received intel about a dangerous threat emerging in the heart of New York city."

Dad, dressed in his sleek suit, interjecting, "the threat seems to be an advanced group of highly skilled mercenaries armed with cutting edge technology. They have been causing chaos in the city and innocent lives are at stake."

Nat, always composed and focused, sharing her finding. "According to my sources they're led by a former S.H.I.E.L.D operative, code named Viper. She's a master manipulator and an expert in covert operations. We need to neutralize her and dismantle the organization."

Thor, holding up his hammer joins in the convocation with a determined expression. "Fear not, my friends with the power of lightning on our side, we shall prevail against these mercenaries and restore peace to the city."

Bruce sat quietly not really having anything to add to the convocation.

Clint, twirling an arrow between his fingers chiming in. "I've been studying their patterns and have identified their main hideout. Its an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. We should strike there and catch the off guard."

Steve nodded his eyes scanning the room. "excellent work you lot. Our objective is clear; neutralize Viper, dismantle the organization, and protect innocent lives. We'll move in under the cover of darkness. Stark provide aerial support. Nat, coordinate recon. Thor Clint and April, be ready for the main assault."

Hearing my name mentioned knowing I'm part of the main assault team frightened me, thoughts flew through my head I'm not ready for this what if I mess something up for them or get myself killed. I tried to push these thoughts away knowing whatever I did I couldn't change what was going to happen but for a minute I felt excited to be part of something. If I died during the mission, then at least I died somewhat of a hero.

With unified determination everyone was on their feet ready to face the challenge ahead. They all knew that this would test their skills, but they also knew this would text my skills whether I was ready for this sort of thing or not.

No one seemed to notice me they were all talking to each other I had nothing to offer to the convocation I was scared, and no one seemed to notice. Before long I was suited up a suit of black armour set dad had made just for me. "April tell me now before we leave are you sure your ready for this?" He was looking me dead in the eye as if he was trying to read me. My brain was spitting words at me that weren't my own. 'What if something happens to her?' 'what if something goes wrong?' 'I've only just got her back.' I began to realise these aren't my thoughts, but they were dad's, he was worried.

I shrugged "What could go wrong?" His face turns a shade or two lighter as If he knew that I knew what he was thinking. "April I'm serious if you're not ready you don't have to come." He takes my hand, still looking me in the eye. "Dad I promise I'm ready, I'll be fine, and anyway I have the best of the best protecting me too." I give him a smile and he seem to receive the message giving me a small smile back, before we headed off in the quinjet for New York.

The city skyline of New York radiated with the vibrant lights of New York, but beneath its seemingly peaceful façade, danger lurked. I was afraid but doing my best not to show that I was scared. Everyone was eerily quiet watching the ground below us get closer and closer. "Let's get this how on the road." Dad said before he flew off into the sky, I worried for his safety but ultimately, he worried for mine too.

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