Chapter 2

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It felt like hour that me and my father sat talking I never plucked up the courage to ask him any of the questions that came to my mind but who knows if he would have answered me truthfully anyway. Pepper came back at like 9 pm to collect me and take me to the house that would be my new home, I was nervous but I've done the hardest part now meeting my father was overwhelming finding out he's basically a super hero was a shock and give some explanation as to where he was during my childhood.

On the drive to the house Pepper and I picked up some food as I hadn't eaten all day it was pretty good but today has been a lot and my stomach is in knots so I couldn't really eat much which Pepper looked a little concerned about but didn't really say anything to me. We turned up a road and at the very end I saw a huge house bigger than anything I had seen before. My jaw dropped realising we were driving through the gates of the house "T-This is where he lives?" I stutter trying to find the right words. "This is where we live" Pepper giggles at my expression pulling up outside of the house. "Don't worry about your bags Happy will get them for you." She smiles getting out of the car.

"Happy?" I look at her "He works for your father Hun don't worry you'll love him everyone does" she shares a warm smile at me, and I just nod in disbelief. I follow her out of the car and up the steps to the house's door as she unlocks it the inside look immaculate and I stand in utter disbelief that this is where ill call home for now. I could fit a hundred of my old home in here. My old house wasn't much but it was where I grew up its all I knew I never really left it; it was my safe place now its all bee taken away from me. I sigh Pepper looks at me me "Let me show you your room give you some time to process today" She seems to know what my mind is screaming at me. She shows me up the stairs I see more iron man stuff and just stare at it. "This room is yours" Pepper snaps me back to reality once again. "Thank you." I manage before she walks away leaving me stood outside the door to my new room.

I open the door stepping in shutting it behind me the room is huge and spacious a king size bed placed in the centre of the room two wardrobes stand tall in the corner of the room im taken back by the pure size of the room. A desk sits on the opposite side of the room from the wardrobes with what looks like a brand new computer and mobile phone. They did this just for me? I question not sure how to feel. Maybe father is trying to make up for all the lost years?

I look in the wardrobe to find all new clothes I look through to see if I can find any pyjamas which to my surprise I do and decide to try and find a bathroom to freshen up. I walk down the hallway trying to navigate the huge hallways to find a bathroom, finally I find it and decide to jump straight into the shower washing my hair and body before grabbing a towel and drying off getting dressed into my pyjamas.

I slowly walk back to my room taking in everything around me feeling somewhat safe. I walk back into the room and sit on the bed gently rubbing my eyes I didn't notice how tired I was until I sat down. After a while thinking I decide to pull the blankets back and get into bed and after what felt like the longest day of my entire life my body decides to let sleep engulf me.

I wake up not long after hearing someone talking outside my room, I look around spotting the clock on the wall 3 am. I realise I can her my fathers voice. "We need to keep her safe she has no idea who she is or what power she controls let's try and keep it that way. She is my daughter and if anyone hurts her, I will hold you accountable." His voice sounds harsh but protective, but I can't figure out who he's talking to my mind races what power do I have I'm just me? The scared little girl I've always been my head spins making me feel like I'm going to vomit. I swallow hard trying to remove the lump that had formed in my throat, but it was no use I could feel the bile coming up my throat.

I jumped out of bed swinging my bedroom door open running past him and someone I don't recognise. "April?" He shouts as I shove past him running down the hallway throwing the bathroom door open locking it behind me. I make it just in time kneeling to the toilet throwing up whatever was in my body. I hear heavy footsteps making their way down the hallway. Before long there's knocking on the door "April is everything okay open the door before I pull the hinges off the thing." Dad's voice penetrated through the door worry evident on this voice. I slowly get up unlocking the door before sitting down.

He makes his way in looking down at me, he kneels beside me taking my face between his hands. "What happened? Are you okay? is something wrong do we need a doctor? Oh my god your dying aren't you?" Panic visible on his face I shake my head "N-no I'm fine it's just been a long day." I mutter. I hear him let out a sigh of relief "Lets get you back to bed." His voice softer than before he picks me up carrying me to my room. I laugh a little "I can walk you know." "Not risking it." He shakes his head opening the bedroom door placing me on the bed.

I look at him his face look worried, but he also looks exhausted. "What power do I have? I heard you talking, and I just want to know the truth I feel like my entire life is a lie." I ask with a little bit of confidence. He looks at me with a worried look knowing I heard his convocation. "Can we talk about it tomorrow I should tell everyone else to?" He sighs looking defeated. I nod not wanting to push him away. Without thinking he places a kiss on my forehead and I just hug him

"Where were you?" I asked holding back tears. "What do you mean?" He asks softly. "Why weren't you there for me? Why didn't you visit? Where were you?" I chock on my words trying not cry. "I tried to visit but you mother wouldn't let me, she didn't want me around I tried numerous times but I always ended up having a door slammed in my face I tried to fight for you but no matter what I did I always failed I really tired April I did I promise. Now I have you I promise to fight for you everyday to make up for what I've missed, I'm so sorry" He pleaded. I sobbed burring my head into his chest felling completely safe for the first time in my life. We lead together in silence before both falling asleep together.

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