Chapter 3

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Waking up with my father laying beside me is a new feeling not something I've ever experienced I feel loved I think I'm not sure if that's the right way to describe it but that's how I feel. For once in my life I feel like someone wants me will it stay like this though. My mind wanders for a little while before my Father begins to stir today, he said he would tell me what powers I had but he has to do it in front of others? I know of the Avengers, but I don't know who they are what if they don't like me or what if they change his opinion of me?

Im quickly snapped out of my thoughts as I hear him say "Good morning!" with a smile on his face. "Good morning Ton- I mean dad." I shock my head putting my head in my hands not knowing what to call him. "Hey, don't beat yourself up kid its all new to the both of us call me whatever your comfortable with. Call me arsehole if you damn well please" He laughs kissing my head "So long as your happy so am I" He continued. I smile feeling relived to hear he isn't mad at me. "Sooo breakfast on the way to the compound?" He smiles asking while getting off the bed. I nod rubbing my eyes. "Yeah ill get dressed now" I say. he nods walking out of the room.

I jump off the bed looking through the wardrobe for something to wear "Leggings and a jumper will do right?" I question myself not really knowing what sort of outfit I should wear. I throw a jumper and some legging on. I walk out of the room going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth. "April come on we have a lot to do today!" I hear father shout from downstairs. "I'm coming I'm coming" I shout back heading downstairs.

We get in the car together him opening the door for me smiling down at me as he closes the door. We quickly grabbed some food before driving to the compound. "You know you have a lot of people to meet today? It could get overwhelming, if I read all your information right then I believe you also suffer with panic attacks? Would you like come up with a code word or a signal so if you get overwhelmed, I can get you out as soon as possible?" His words are sweet, but I feel hurt he had to read up about me. "Y-you had to read up on me? You couldn't have just gotten to know me when you met me?" I ask barely able to get my words out. "I just wanted to get a head start on getting to know you i-I'm sorry." He seems upset by it and I have nothing else to say.

We drive the rest of the time in silence only talking to come up with a code word 'red' to get me out of the situation if It gets to much. As hurt as I feel I also feel more loved than I ever have before. Which in a strange way outweighs the bad side of things. We arrive at the compound and we both get out of the car and I begin to follow my dad around like a lost puppy everyone here stares at us as we walk but I try to ignore it gripping onto my jumper sleeve to try and calm my anxious mind racing. We get to a room which dad swings the door open its currently empty bar one person but I'm unsure of who it is. "Morning Cap" Dad says in what sounded like a mocking tone "morning" He replies not looking at him.

We sit for a while dad and I nattering to each other I'm not sure who 'Cap' is but he seems to have a shield which looks pretty cool he hasn't looked at me or my father once since we entered the room and his presence feels weird I'm not sure why I'm sure he's a nice guy but he seems to be avoiding eye contact. We wait a while until the door swings open and more people begin to filter into the room. "Finally," Dad says "you all take forever I said meet at 10am not closer to 11" He continues rolling his eyes as he does. "Who's the girl a new conquest of yours?" A woman with red hair asks, "Everyone this is my daughter April." Dad looks at me holding his hand out for me to stand with him "She's about to be the newest Avenger." Everyone falls silent looking between me and him. "Y-your daughter? God Stark I'm sorry I didn-"The red head is cut off by dad before she can continue "Yes well next time maybe don't assume things."

Before long everyone is sat around the table introducing themselves to me dad keeps his eye on me making sure I'm not saying our code word. I feel uncomfortable but not uncomfortable enough to use it just yet. "You said she was going to be the newest Avenger? What do you mean by that?" Thor asks looking between me and dad. "Well this is what we came here to talk to everyone about. April does not know she has any sort of power; she has the ability to control minds and read them. She doesn't know how to use it just yet but with training and guidance she is going to make a great new addition!" he says sounded worried yet excited at the same time.

My chest tightens not knowing what to say the code word is sitting at the edge of my tongue, but my chest doesn't allow me to speak. Air feels that its catching in my throat and I feel like I can't breathe. Before long I'm trying to grasp at dads let to get him to notice but he doesn't and continues to talk to the people around him. I stand up and walk out of the room still trying to catch my breath as I do. I feel like its no use my body shakes and I begin to panic more I sit on the steps we walked up before.

"April?" Dad shouts my name throwing the door to the room open "D-d-dad" I mutter just about getting the word out. "April sweet explain how you feel talk to me" He seems worried, but his expression is soft. "I-it hurts to breathe" I gasp "Its okay your going to be fine breathe with me okay? In through your nose and out through your mouth" He instructs brushing my hair out of my sweaty face. I try to follow his instructions but to no avail. He continues to talk to me while I calm down he strokes my hair in one last attempt to calm me down and to my surprise it begins to work my chest starts to feel clear and I feel like I can breathe again. We stay here in silence for a while. Before he calls it a day and takes me home.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for taking the time to read my book! I know its not very good I'm very new to the Marvel universe but i am also really enjoying it. I'm no writer but I hope you are enjoying it any tips of plots anyone can think of I'm more than grateful for ideas

Again thank you <3

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