13. The Past is No Longer in the Past

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[As promised chapter 13. I'm so sleepy posting this rn so this chapter will be edited hopefully soon. Enjoy! Oh, constructive criticism is appreciated. Ok, happy reading and being traumatized!]
(Y/N)'s POV

Freezing wind slashes across my face. The claws of the beginning snow squall racking through my hair roots, flying the strands back.

Elsa rises from her seat, fist clenched and her eyes, feral and full of burning icy rage. Then she turns her back to me; giving that oh so freezing cold shoulder.

My breathing becomes irregular. The air is getting thinner of oxygen but thicker of snow.

"Stop!" I scream into the wind. The icy air steals right from my lungs. With my breathing strangled I lift the fabric from my winter clothes over my mouth and take large gasps through the fabric to breathe.

My squinted eyes view the back of the ice queen, her pale hands massaging her temples and her french braid whipping in the wind, slowly becoming undone.

My knees buckle. I take a step toward Elsa and yell,

"Stop it!." But my voice is lost in the blizzard. I grit my teeth, knowing she won't be able to hear me no matter how much I strain my vocal cords.

Thin insect legs of frost seem to scurry down my vertebrae, the freezing trepidation crawling under my skin and expanding like a spider beginning to weave its web. Weave my dread as I stand and back away from it the Ice Queen as a vortex of snow circles around her. The frozen spider's silk wraps itself around my heart constructing the beats as her relentless energy thrums into my bones.

What have I done?! What did I trigger?

I take a step toward Elsa as she crosses her arms. My winter boots are barely gaining traction on the ice floors as my body strains to move against the barreling wind. Like pushing through a biting freezing wave. Nevertheless, a grueling step is made. And another. And another to reach the Ice Queen.

I didn't mean for this reaction. Elsa said any question. I wanted to start with the basics.

Elsa keeps her back to me. I lunge to grab her shoulder, to get her attention, but the moment I touch her, the seething Ice Queen whips around to face me. In the blink of an eye, Elsa shoots ice at my head.
An inky darkness takes me under, like crashing through a frozen lake beneath the frigid water.

And that's what seeps into my bones, burning cold as I wade my way through darkness. The air is heavy, like wading through a bat of grainy oil. As if I am swimming and standing at the same time. Falling and steady, and moving. I need to keep moving.

In front of me, is the same as behind me and to the sides of me darkness.

Mumbles. A distant indistinguishable mumbling voice reverberates in the distance, like a far-off echo. Alas, there is nothing that the voice could echo off from. There is only the slick and thick darkness of which I am a part of. Perhaps I am the darkness. I don't remember who I am otherwise. And all I can feel is the cold. The numbing cold seeps into my bone marrow. If I have bones.

I pay the voice little mind, and brush it aside. My entire existence funnels down to wadding around the dark empty yet heavy air, to find something. Needing to find that something.

As I roam the flat plains of the freezing void, I raise and hold out my hand to the darkness.

In between worlds is what I feel. As if I myself, whoever I am, is both physical and spiritual. My eyes drift to look at the fingers, or someone's (s/c) fingers. How the digits wade through the darkness. The complete darkness that makes me both blind and overly aware. Yet I can't answer the most basic question,

~𝒩𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝐿𝑒𝓉 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒢𝑜~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin