A unexpected visitor

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~~Melody's POV~~ 


Ugh! My alarm is so annoying! 

This is usually how I wake up. Another day of feeling unwanted. 

I got out of bed and put my feet onto the cold wood floor. My roommate Hannah was still sound asleep. It always amazed me how she slept through my loud alarm each and everyday. I went into my closet and pulled out my school uniform. A khaki skirt and a navy blue polo. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. 

I always woke up just a little bit earlier than everyone else so I could get to the bathroom first. 

I slipped out of my pjs and into my uniform. I then slicked my long blonde hair back into a ponytail. I put my socks on and then slipped my black shoes on. I looked into the mirror and smiled at my appearance. I walked out of the bathroom and saw the line all along the hallway. I took all my things back to my room and grabbed my backpack. I skipped down the stairs to see Mrs. Hemmingsworth setting the table per usual. 

"Good morning Mrs. Hemmingsworth!" I chirped. 

"Melody." She sighed as I sat my bag down by my chair at the table. 

I walked into the family room where the tv and specifically the piano was. I never learned unfortunately but I was always so interested in the piano and wanted to learn so badly. 

I sat down on the bench and slowly dragged my fingers across the keys. I pressed a couple of the keys before hearing the ear piercing voice of Mrs. Hemmingsworth. 


I quickly jumped up and found myself walking back to the table where breakfast was served. Per usual it was oatmeal and fruit. I quickly ate my breakfast and then gathered my things and started my long walk to school. 

~at school~

When I walked into the doors I saw all the kids that I see everyday! I was super early per usual so I walked over to Ms. Bailey's classroom. She was the music teacher and when I'm early I go help her with her morning tasks. She enjoys my company. 

I walked in and a smile arose on her face. 

"Melody! Good morning!" She said giving me a warm embrace. 

"Good morning Ms. Bailey!" I said to her. 

"How was your weekend sweet girl?" She asked me while walking back to her task she was doing. 

"It was good! I read all the theory books you gave me." I said pulling the three books she gave me Friday. 

 "Already?" She asked shocked. 

"Yeah I didn't have a lot to do so I spent a lot of time alone." I said handing her the books. 

"Well did you learn some new things?" She asked me as she took them from me. 

"Yes... yes I did." I replied thinking about the information. 

"Well maybe after school you can come in and I can start teaching you piano." She suggested. 

"Oh my word! Ms. Bailey you have no idea how nice that would be!" I exclaimed jumping up and down. 

"Well.. Mrs. Hemmingsworth will be okay with it?" She asked. 

"Yes! She is fine!" I said excitedly. 

"Okay well good! Now why don't you start setting out my percussion sets on the carpet for my first class." She instructed. 

I nodded and got straight to work. I reached into her instrument closet by the door and got the things I needed. I set them out neatly and suddenly the bell rang. 

"Okay get to class Melody! See you later!" She said smiling.

"Bye Ms. Bailey!" I yelled as I left her room and sprinted to my homeroom. 

~After School~

I walked up to Ms. Bailey's door and knocked softly. She opened the door and gave me a big hug. 

"Come in! I don't have a ton of time today but I can get you started." She said rushing me in the room. 

We ran to the piano and she started with the basics. I learned about hand placement and the notes of each key. The lesson went by fast but I was just glad to be learning something.

She rushed me out of the room with a hug and we both ran out of the school. I started my journey back to the orphanage. As soon as I reached the doors I saw all the girls and boys piled up listening to the door of Mrs. Hemmingsworth's office. 

"What is going on?" I asked them all.

They shhed me and Hannah looked at me with pure happiness in her eyes. 

"A group of people came in and are talking to Mrs. Hemmingsworth." She said excitedly. 

I shrugged and went straight to the piano. With Mrs. Hemmingsworth busy that means I can practice. I practiced the little song we had learned over and over again. Suddenly over my music I heard my name being called. I looked over assuming Mrs. Hemmingsworth was telling me to the shut up but she had a fake smile plastered over her face. Oh my word, what did I do? I got up and walked over to her. She had her usual evil stare in her eyes. She grabbed my ear and pulled me into her office where I was greeted by 5 very familiar faces. 

"Melody say hello!" Mrs. Hemmingsworth demanded. 

"Oh I'm sorry. Hi I'm Melody." I said shaking their hands.

"Hi Melody I'm Scott and this is Mitch, Kirstie, Avi, and Kevin" A tall blonde haired man said with a smile. 

"They are interested in a... adopting you." Mrs. Hemmingsworth choked out. 

"Oh wow! Thank you!" I said with a huge smile. 

"We just have a couple questions before we finalize it." Scott grinned. 

"Okay what's up?" I asked sitting down in a chair across from them. 

"Well we want you to know that we are a rather popular musical group called Pentatonix. We travel often. Are you okay with that?" Avi asked. 

"Yeah that's okay with me! That's really cool!" I said smiling widely. 

"Perfect and last thing really isn't a question. We just want you to know we all live in one house and wanted to make sure that was ok." Scott said.

"Yeah! You guys are like one big family!" I said smiling. 

"Yeah! Well if you want to we would love for you to be apart of our big family!" Scott added. 

I smiled and nodded. I got up and hugged them all. 

"Melody go pack your things." Mrs. Hemmingsworth barked. 

"Would you like help?" Mitch and Kirstie asked. 

"Yes! I would love that!" I replied grabbing their hands and leading them into my bedroom. 

I grabbed my tiny little suitcase and opened it on my bed. 

"Is this your bedroom?" Mitch asked. 

"Yeah it's not much but it's served me well." I replied grabbing all my clothes and shoving them into my bag. 

They began grabbing my things and helping me fit it all in my tiny suitcase. 

"Melody is this a picture of you?" Kirstie asked picking up a picture. 

"Um no that's my sister."

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