oh no.

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~~Mitch's POV~~

"Who are you guys?" She asked us. 

We all looked at each other. I could see the tears in everyone's eyes. 

"Well hunny we are your family." Scott said trying to hide his tears. 

"Oh, ok. I'm sorry." She said hanging her head. 

"Mel it's okay!" Kirstie encouraged her. 

"So that's my name? Mel?" She asked. 

"Well that's your nickname. Your name is Melody." I said trying to force a smile. 

"Oh. Then what are your names?" She inquired. 

"Well I'm Avi, and that's Mitch, and Scott, and Kevin, and Kirstie." Avi said introducing us to her.

"Oh okay. Nice to meet you." Melody said giving us a smile. 

We all tried smiling back at her. I couldn't believe she didn't remember us. 

"Uh I'm going to excuse myself." I said walking out of the room. 

Once the door closed I began to sob. I haven't even known this kid for a week but I love her like my own. I used to say I didn't ever want kids but Melody changed my mind completely. She has changed my life in the few days that she has been here. I can't even believe she doesn't remember me. 

I continued to cry and then I heard the door open. I looked over and saw Scott. He saw my tear filled eyes and didn't say anything, just embraced me in his arms. I sobbed into his chest as he also cried. We didn't say anything for awhile we just hugged. 

"The good thing is we can try our best to get her memory back." Scott said through his tears. 

"I hope." I choked out. 

~2 weeks later~

It's been two weeks since the accident. We have at least one person up at the hospital everyday. We have made no progress with getting her memory back. We have got her up and walking and today is the day we get to take her home. We all have been a wreck since the accident. I haven't cried this many tears in a long time. 

I walked into the room and saw her smiling as Avi sat there reading her a story. Scott, Kevin, and Kirstie were packing her things in her bag. 

"Hi Mitch." Scott says as I walked in. 

"Hi guys. Hi Melody, how are doing?" I asked her. 

"Good. My head still hurts but I'm ok." She said shyly. 

The doctor told us there is a huge chance we can restore her memories. Being home will help her a lot. We waited for a little bit and then the nurse brought in the discharge papers. We filled it out and then off we went. We walked her out to the car and put her in the first row of seats in the back. I sat next to her and off we went. 

"Do you remember anything about the van?" I asked her. 

"Uh I'm really sorry but no." She said looking around. 

I told her it was ok trying to hide my disappointment. We played our new Christmas album that just came out 2 weeks ago for her. We could tell she really liked it but I don't know if it brought back any memories. 

Once we arrived at the house, we parked in the driveway. We stepped out and stood in front of the house. 

"I'm sorry this doesn't look familiar to me." She said looking at us with a sad look on her face. 

"Hey it's ok honey." Kirstie said rubbing her back. 

We all nodded and then proceeded to walk in the house. Olaf and Pascal ran up to her barking excitedly. Melody backed into me and cuddled up to me. 

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