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~~Melody's POV~~

TW: Abused and SA

"Mellie come on it's time to go!" Mitch called from the living room.

Today is my first counseling session. It's been about a week since we got home and it's been really rough. I have nightmares every night of the things that happened to me and it's constantly on my mind. 

I walked out of my room and down the hall where Mitch and Scott was waiting on me. They were taking me because everyone has other things to do. 

"You ready pumpkin?" Scott asked hugging me tightly. 

"Yeah. I guess." I replied as I hugged him back. 

"Okay let's go." 

We walked out to Scott's car and got in. I buckled my seat belt and Mitch asked me what I wanted to listen to.

"Hm frozen?" I asked with a small smile. 

"Do you think I am going to say no to that?" Mitch laughed as he began to play the frozen soundtrack. 

We spent the whole car ride singing loudly to the music and laughing. It was so fun. I kind of forgot about everything going on in my life right now. 

We pulled up in the parking lot of a big building. I was assuming this was the place where I meet with my therapist. 

"Here." Scott said simply as he turned the car off. 

We got out of the car and I began to shake nervously. 

"Hey." Mitch started as he got on his knees to get on my level, "It's all going to be ok. You are safe. This is going to help you." Mitch said trying to calm me down. 

I hugged his neck and he picked me up carrying me inside the building. We arrived at the front desk and Scott signed me in. When he finished we sat in the waiting room for only about 5 minutes when a taller woman with long blonde hair and green eyes came out from behind a door and called my name. 

"Melody and one of her guardians?" She said. 

Mitch and I stood up and began to follow her back to her office.

"Hi Melody! I am Doctor Thatcher. I am so excited to meet you." She said shaking my hand. 

The office was very nice looking. There was a couch at the back of the room and a huge wall full of games and activities and books. Her desk was across from the couch and above the couch was a huge window looking over the city. 

"Hi." I said shyly as Mitch and I sat on the couch. 

"So dad?" She started as Mitch nodded, "What's been going on?" She asked. 

Mitch began to explain my whole life story as I looked around the room. The pictures were so colorful, I saw a basket full of fidget toys, I saw a pink rug on the floor that was so pretty. I wish I was as pretty as that pink rug. 

"So Melody, why don't you start by telling me what happened that lead to your traumatic event." Doctor Thatcher asked. 

"So, we were on tour and my Aunt Esther asked me to run out to the tour bus to grab some waters for my parents. I walked out there and the door slammed shut and two people approached me. They were my parents who escaped from jail. They took my to their house and..." I paused as a tear slipped out of my eyes. I tried to stop crying but it was hard.

"take your time." Doctor Thatcher said giving me a small smile. 

Mitch rubbed my back comfortingly and assured me I was safe. I continued. 

"They would hit me and at one point they had people pay them to..." I broke down again thinking about everything that happened. 

"Have you ever talked about this out loud?" Doctor Thatcher asked me. 

I shook my head. I couldn't even tell police. Thank goodness my "parents" confessed to everything. 

"They had people pay them to come and do bad things to me." I blurted out as I wiped tears from my eyes. 

"Like bad bad things?" Doctor Thatcher asked.

I nodded trying to stop crying.

"I went days without eating or drinking anything. I was so hungry and thirsty and I thought I was going to die before my adoptive parents could find me. The police came and I knew they had found me." I finished. I looked up and Mitch had tears in his eyes.

We spent the time talking about everything and even my trauma from staying with foster families. It actually felt really nice talking about my feelings. 

"Okay so I am going to go ahead and give you the diagnosis of PTSD and GAD which is Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Next time I want to just sit with Melody and work on coping skills." Doctor Thatcher said as we walked back out to the lobby where Scott was waiting patiently. 

"You did great today Melody! I will see you next week." She said as I waved goodbye to her. 

Mitch and I walked over to Scott.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"Good! I like her. She is nice." I replied giving him a small smile. 

"I'm glad. Why don't we go and get Starbucks?" He asked giving me a hug. 

"yeah!" Mitch and I said. 

We ran out to the car and Scott drove us to Starbucks. We went inside and ordered our usuals and sat down at a table. 

"Did it feel good to talk about it all?" Scott asked.

"Yeah. I have been keeping it in for so long." I replied.

We talked about how I felt about going to Therapy for a bit.

"So Melody, we've been meaning to talk to you about something." Mitch started.

I looked at them with concern.

"So Mitch, Kirstie, Kevin, Avi, and I are all going to be getting our own places."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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