A twin?!?!

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~~Melody's POV~~

"No it's my sister." I said taking the picture from her. 

"You had a sister?" She asked me. 

"Yeah but she was adopted when we were both 5. We are twins." I said with a tear rolling down my cheek. 

"Oh my I'm sorry we don't have to talk about it." Kirstie said giving me a hug. 

"It's okay. I uhh I think it's all packed up." I said zipping up my now full suitcase. 

We dragged it down the stairs and met up with the rest of the group who was patiently waiting downstairs. 

"Melody are you ready?" Avi asked me. 

"Yep! More than you know." I said with a smile. 

All the kids said goodbye to me and off I went with my new family. We walked out to their van and I sat in between Mitch and Avi. 

"Is there any music you'd like to listen to Melody?" Scott asked me hooking up his phone to the AUX. 

"Uhh not really. I wasn't really allowed to listen to much music." I replied. 

"Oh okay! We can play my playlist. We have about 2 hours until we get home." Scott says as he begins to play his playlist. 

I was listening and I really liked this style of music. Suddenly a slow song began to play and I found my eyelids getting really heavy. Then I couldn't hold them up anymore and found myself asleep. 



I look around and saw the rest of the group charging at me. 

"Please don't hurt me." I whimpered. 

They all began to laugh as they took turns taking hits at me. With each hit I cried louder and louder. 

I looked over and Avi was whispering something to me.

"Melody wake up." He repeated over and over.

~dream over~

"Melody sweetheart wake up." Avi's warm and comforting voice called out. 

My eyes shot open and I saw everyone looking at me with worry in their eyes. I wiped the tears from my eyes and my knees shot up to my chest in embarrassment. 

"Hey Melody it's okay. Did you have a nightmare?" Mitch asked rubbing circles on my back. 

I inched away and found myself snuggled into Avi's side. Was that dream a vision of what life will be like? Will I be another person's human punching bag? 

"Melody, Mitch isn't going to hurt you." Avi said, careful of scaring me away. 

"Promise?" I asked holding my pinky out to Mitch.

"I Pinky swear!" He said wrapping his pinky around mine. 

I calmed down and looked out the windows. The sun was setting and it painted such a beautiful sky. 

"The sky is pretty huh?" Avi asked with a smile. 

"It's gorgeous!" I replied taking a mental picture of this moment. 

I don't know what it was but I felt so safe with Avi. Like I knew he wasn't going to hurt me. I felt safe around everyone else but so far I really trusted Avi. 

"Melody, do you have any nicknames or do you like to be called Melody?" Kevin asked from the passenger seat. 

"It really doesn't matter to me. I like Melody but other people have called me; Mel, and Mellie. If you guys what to come up with your own you can too." I explained. 

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