1st Show!!

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~~Melody's POV~~

I woke up and looked over at my ipod. It was 12pm! No one woke me up. I quickly got out of my bunk and got dressed in some jeans and a nice shirt. I walked into the stadium and found Esther. 

"No one woke me up!" I said to her. 

"You looked so peaceful peanut." She said ruffling my hair. 

I laughed at her and smoothed out my hair. I went to the side of the stage and see that they actually weren't rehearsing at the moment. I went to the dressing room and saw them of course goofing off. 

"Good afternoon sunshine!" Kirstie said hugging me tightly. 

"Good afternoon." I laughed with an eye roll. 

"Liddy!" Mitch yelled running over and hugging me. 

"Mitchy!" I said reciprocating the same energy he gave me. 

I gave everyone hugs and then sat down on one of their makeup chairs. 

"What happened to your hair?" Kirstie asked me with a giggle. 

"I slept." I replied. 

"Let me braid it." She said grabbing a brush and a spray bottle. 

"Kirstin's Beauty Barrrr!" Mitch sang as he walked over to me. 

He jokingly and lightly tugged at my one finished braid. 

"Ow!" I laughed. 

"That did NOT hurt." He joked. 

"How did you sleep?" I asked him. 

He paused. I could tell he was thinking.

"Mitch?" I called out. 

"Oh uh yeah good!" He said snapping out of it. 

I gave him a strange look but then shrugged it off. 

~~Mitch's POV~~

"How did you sleep?" Mellie asked me with a smile. 

How did I sleep? I could've answered the question if I had slept. The past couple of nights I've been having these awful nightmares. They always end in something bad happening to either me, Mel, or Scotty. Recently I have been having these nightmares about Mel where she gets kidnapped and it always seems SO real. I always have to go check on her when they happen. I always have panic attacks after them so I've stopped sleeping. 

"Mitch?" Mel calls. 

"Oh uh yeah good!" I said shaking the thoughts out of my head. 

I just looked at her for a bit as Kirstie did her hair. She literally was the thing I NEEDED this year and I didn't even know it. I could not ever loose her. 

"Mitch are you ok?" Kirstie whispered to me. 

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I said faking a smile and laugh. 

"Mitch." Kirstie said sternly. 

I looked away to avoid contact. 

"Mellie Bellie why don't you got find Avi, Kevin, and Scott." Kirstie said finishing her braid. 

Mel ran off hesitantly. 

"Mitch what is going on? You have been off recently." Kirstie asked sitting me down on the chair in her dressing room. 

"I have been having nightmares again." I blurted out quickly. 

"Mitch, you know you can tell me these things. I want to help you." She said grabbing my hand.

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