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~~Mitch's POV~~

"Melody, please get your bag it's time to go." I said to Melody who was still laying down in bed. 

"Okay." She whined. 

She got up and grabbed her bag. I took her hand as we walked downstairs to meet everyone else. They all had their luggage. They all smiled when they saw Melody and I walking towards them. 

"Hi Peanut." Avi said with a smile. 

"Hi Marshmelo." Kirstie added. 

"Good morning guys." She replied. 

We all saw that our uber was here so we all piled in and it drove us to the airport. 

Melody hasn't left my side since we found her almost four days ago. She is really different now. I can just tell there is still some sadness and fear. Kevin has been treating all her cuts and injuries and they are finally looking better. 

"Want a piggy back?" Kevin asked her. 

"Yeah!" She said as a genuine small smile finally appeared on her face. 

Kevin carried her into the airport as I carried her bag and mine. I watched her smile remain on her face and realized I hadn't seen it what felt like forever. It made me tear up a little bit. 

We went through security and waited at our gate for our tickets to be called. Melody was playing on my phone as we waited. 

"Ya having fun?" I asked her. 

She nodded still very focused on the game she was playing. 

We finally got our tickets called and Melody and I held hands as we walked into the plane and to our seats. I sat next to the window and she sat in the middle seat. She didn't like planes all that much. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked her. 

"Uh. Scared and like I want to be home in my room." She replied. 

I gave her a small smile as I kissed the top of her head. 

"I know hun. We will be home soon." I replied hugging her tightly. 

~After the flight~

I looked out the window and saw the sunset. We were finally landing and it was time to get ready to go. I looked at Melody. She had both her arms wrapped around my right arm and her head on my shoulder. She was fast asleep. I placed my hand on her shoulder and lightly shook her awake. 

"Melody wake up honey. It's time to get ready to get off the plane." I told her. 

She opened her eyes and the fear overtook her eyes. She then relaxed when she saw me. 

"You ok hun?" I asked her.

"Yeah sorry." She said sitting up.

The plane landed and we got our carry ons and exited with the rest of the group. It felt good to be back in LA. I grabbed onto Melody's hand as we made our way out to the uber that met us at the airport. 

We all rode back in silence and once we reached home we all went to unpack. Melody went to her room and we left her alone for a little bit. I went to unpack and then noticed a small cry from Melody's room. I opened my door and saw Kirstie in there comforting her. 

"Mel, It wasn't your fault." I heard Kirstie say to Melody. 

"But I didn't know what to do." She cried. 

"Hey I wouldn't know what to do in that situation either honey." Kirstie said. 

I walked into the room and sat down on the other side of Melody. I didn't say anything I just hugged her. Kirstie looked at me with sadness in her eyes. A tear rolled down both our cheeks. It broke our hearts to see Melody so traumatized. Maybe it was time to get her into some counseling. 

"You are safe now ok?" I whispered to her. 

She continued to sob into my chest. 

"We won't let anything happen to you again." I said to her. 

"Promise?" She asked through her sobs. 

"Promise." I assured her. 

We spent the rest of the night spending time together and eating and watching movies. It was pretty great to be home with Melody. 

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