A few weeks later

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~~Melody's POV~~

"Mitch wait for me!" I yelled as Mitch ran down the halls of backstage. 

We were finally in Denver Colorado! I have loved traveling around the country. I've been to places now that I have never been before! It's so fun! I have been so so excited for Christmas it's crazy. There is only one reason I am not excited. I have to choose who I want to spend Christmas with. Since everyone goes home during the Christmas holiday I have to pick one person to spend Christmas with. I am leaning toward Mitch or Avi but I'm not sure yet. 

"Come on Mel!" Mitch yelled back down the hall. 

He paused while I caught up to him. I grabbed his hand and we kept running. Why are we running you ask? Well during their break we are playing hide and seek. Scott is counting and everyone is hiding in the huge backstage area. Mitch and I decided to hide in a closet in Kirstie's dressing room. I started to giggle and Mitch put his hand over my mouth. I glared at him jokingly. Suddenly we heard Scott scream down the hall, "READY OR NOT HERE I COME!" 

After like 15 minutes we finally heard the door to Kirstie's dressing room open and I heard Scott humming a Christmas tune as he searched the room. I looked at Mitch trying my hardest not to laugh. 

"Don't laugh Mel." Mitch whispered very quietly. 

"Hello? I heard you!" Scott called out with a small laugh. 

"Shit." Mitch mumbled. 

My eyes widened! 

"Mitch!" I whisper yelled. 

Suddenly the door swung open and Scott saw both of us. 

"Of course how did I not check the closets?" Scott laughed. 

"Are we the first ones?" I asked. 

"Yeah." Scott laughed loudly. 

"If I wouldn't have said anything you wouldn't have found us." Mitch complained. 

~~Hours later, right before the show~~

"Hey Mel go get Mitch and tell him it's go time." Esther commanded stressfully. 

I nodded running down to his dressing room. I knocked on the door and I heard, "I'm coming!!" 

He ran out of the room with me looking great! I always loved his show outfits. 

"Esther says it's go time." I giggled. 

"I'm aware!" Mitch laughed. 

We reached side stage and then they all went out and started to perform. I sat down and began to watch like I do every show. Esther came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned and saw her leaning down to me. 

"Hey can you do me one more favor? Could you go out to the bus, and get the bag of waters so they have some water when they come off?" Esther asked. 

"Of course!" I said taking the keys and walking down the hall. 

I reached the door and walked out to the bus. I tried the door and it was already open. Hmm that is weird. I shrugged it off and went to find the bag of waters for everyone. Suddenly the bus door slammed shut. This made me jump! I turned and screamed, "Who's there?" I didn't expect anyone to reply but they did. 

"Oh honey you don't remember us?" A woman's voice said softly. 

I turned and saw a man and a woman walking slowly towards me. 

"No I don't so please go away." I said backing away from them. 

"But Melody, we love you." The man said with a sickening smile. 

"I don't know you." I replied getting scared. 

"I'm going to go inside now bye." I said hoping they would leave. 

"No, you are going to come with us." The woman said getting angry. 

She leapt over and grabbed my arm harshly. 

"STOP LET GO!" I screamed. 

"That is no way to speak to your mother Melody!" The man said firmly grabbing my other arm. 

"Mom?" I asked looking up at them. 

They laughed and took me out of the bus and put me in their car as I tried to wiggle out of their grip. 

~~Esther's POV~~

It had been 20 minutes and Mel hasn't come back with the waters I asked her to get. I grabbed a walkie and called the security guards. 

"Yes Mrs. Kaplan?" They called back. 

"Melody is not back here with me. I sent her to the bus to get something for me and she hasn't come back. I'm sure she just go distracted can one of you guys find her?" I asked. 

"Roger that." He replied. 

I continued to watch and about 10 minutes later I heard my walkie. 

"We can't find her. She isn't in the bus and she's not anywhere backstage." They said. 

I began to worry. 

"Okay we are going on full shut down! We need to get PTX off the stage so we can make sure Mel is ok." I said. 

Suddenly I was waving to the group from the side stage trying to get their attention. Then a security guard went on stage. 

~~Mitch's POV~~

We were performing and the crowd was super excited! I was having so much fun but then a security guard walking on waving us over. We gathered around covering our mics and we got the worst news. 

"So we are on full lock down right now because Melody has disappeared and we can't find her anywhere." He said. 

My heart dropped. I looked around and the gang knew we would immediately have to stop the show. 

I ran off the stage and went out to the bus to find her. 

"MELODY!! MELODY JUNE!" I screamed running into the bus. I looked down and saw the keys and her ipod on the ground. 

"Mitch! We checked." Esther called out while entering the bus. 

I dropped to my knees. Where is this kid? 

"Her ipod and your keys!" I said pointing to the keys on the ground. 

"Oh god. She took them to come out here and grab waters for you guys." Esther added. 

"Oh my god. She is not here." I cried. 

"Here let's go check the cameras to see if we can see anything." Esther said grabbing my hand. 

We met everyone in the security office and we reviewed the cameras of outside by the bus. We saw her run out and the bus door was already unlocked which is strange because we ALWAYS lock the bus. She walked in and then two people in black hoodies walked in the slammed the door. About 10 minutes later they were carrying her out of the bus as she yelled and kicked and punched. They got in a janky blue car and left. 

"Oh my god." I gasped as my hand flew up over my mouth. 

"License plate?" Avi commanded angrily. 

"It's too blurry." The guard stated. 

"Find it then!" Scott said even angrier 

"Calm down it's no one's fault." Kevin said trying to calm everyone. 

"I'm calling 911." Kirstie said picking up her phone and dialing 911.

"I can't believe this." I said beginning to hyperventilate.

I then began to have a panic attack. Scott immediately rushed to my side and began to comfort me. 

Literally this is my worst fear. What if we never find her? What if they kill her? How will we find her? 

"Mitchy you are going to move past this it's ok." Scott said hugging me tightly. 

"What if we never find her?" I asked him. 

"We will Mitchy I promise." He replied. 

Oh my god what are we gonna do?

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