The Boy

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Y/n P.O.V

Its been a while since I last saw that boy, Gregory. Vanessa and I searched the place, but we still found nothing. It frustrated both of us, but Vanessa even more. I suppose it made sense considering she's worked here longer. She's probably had to deal with a lot more crap like this. Yet I couldn't shake the eerie feeling that something was wrong about all of this. 

Eventually, Vanessa just let out a groan of frustration. 

Vanessa: Why tonight of all nights...?!

Y/n: Easy Vanessa. We'll find the kid. 

Vanessa: I know! I know! I just... I think its better we look separately, that way we can cover more ground. I'll check the underground and other backstage areas. You keep an eye out up here in the main section of the Pizzaplex. Stay in contact through the radio. You see him, tell me and don't let the kid escape. Got it? 

I nodded, but deep down, I wasn't sure about Vanessa. She seemed off, compared to yesterday. Reluctantly, I nodded. 

Vanessa: Good. Alright, I'll see you soon. Maybe. 

With that, she walked away, leaving me in the atrium. I let out a sigh and began to patrol the area. Thankfully, I wasn't searching alone as the staff bots would be patrolling the area with me. But... That just made me a little more curious. If there were a bunch of staff bots in the atrium, why would Vanessa also leave me here in the atrium? Weren't the staff bots capable of restraining a kid? 

Sighing, I continued to patrol the atrium. But I had to admit, it was way too boring. There was no one around and I found nothing out of the ordinary. When I checked the time, I saw it was 2am! Oh come on! 

Y/n: Ugh! This is taking forever! How long does it take to find one kid?! 

Resting my legs, I fell down onto a seat, taking a short break. However, as soon as I sat down, I heard my radio turn on as Vanessa's voice came through. 

Vanessa (Radio): Y/n, you there? 

Y/n: Yeah, I'm here. Still no sign of the kid. 

Vanessa (Radio): That's why I was calling. I just got him and put him in Lost and Found. Any chance you can head over there now and keep an eye on him? I need to make sure there's no other kids around and I can't have that kid sneaking out. 

Y/n: Sure. I'm on my way right now. 

Vanessa (Radio): Thanks. Let me know if he's any trouble. 

With that, she hung up and I sighed. Pushing myself off the sofa, I began to make my way to the Lost and Found. It didn't take long for me to reach and I entered the room, finding Gregory. 

Gregory: Its you! 

Y/n: Yeah. Vanessa called and told me. You wanna start explaining yourself now? 

Gregory: I-

The monitors on the desk all turned on, revealing Vanessa's face as she talked to us. 

Vanessa (Monitors): I'll bet you think you're real clever, Gregory. Yeah, I know your name. You're in big trouble! This is not the night to be wasting my time. So, you are going to wait there in Lost and Found until your parents or the police arrive! And for extra safe measure, I've assigned my colleague to watch over you. So don't get anymore funny ideas! 

Suddenly, the monitors then changed to reveal some sort of bunny mask with red eyes. I frowned, confused. But it seemed Gregory was a little scared from the sudden change. 

Bunny (Monitors): Are you having fun yet? 

Despite the sudden appearance change, it sounded like Vanessa? But why the sudden change? And something about the way she spoke in that last sentence felt different. More threatening and hostile somehow. The monitors turned off, leaving Gregory and I alone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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The Restless Soul (Male Reader x Vanessa and Male OC x Roxy)Where stories live. Discover now