Chapter 3: Sophie and Keefe's POV

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There sat Keefe Sencen looking shocked and a little joyful, with a bottle facing him. Fitz's teal eyes looked heartbroken, and Dex's periwinkle looked relieved and a little knowing. After all, Keefe had been crushing on me for 3 years. I bit my lip and wondered if the universe was turning on me or if it was being kind to me.

I turned to Keefe and leaned across while Keefe did the same. Our lips met and an instant tingle ran down my spine. Keefe's lips were soft and tasted like vanilla bean. I urged myself to pull away but I couldn't help leaning in deeper. I knew we probably looked ridiculous and that we would have a lot of explaining to do, but my mind was empty and shocked. I would worry about the explanation later because right now, my mind is on Keefe.

Keefe's POV

Time slowed as the bottle stopped in front of me. I looked up to see Foster blush furiously, and her emotions spike. I was nervous, but 3 years of bottled emotions did something to you. Even if everyone already knew, Foster was oblivious, right?

Foster leaned forward so I did the same. When our lips met, well, I couldn't explain it. Her lips were glazed with a strawberry flavoured gloss and were full but soft. My hair stood on end and I leaned in deeper not wanting her to pull away. Foster's nose touched mine and all I felt like doing was wrapping my arms around her and tangling my fingers in her hair. I knew I couldn't though. I wasn't even sure Foster liked me back. That was until I realised that she was kissing me back. She wasn't pulling away. In fact she was kissing me deeper than before. Maybe I actually had a chance with her.

Sophie's POV

I was close to running out of breath and knew I would need to let go, even if I didn't want to. What felt like an eternity, but was actually another few seconds, both Keefe and I pulled back. Keefe was red in the face and I was sure I was too, not to add the embarrassment I felt now as I gazed at everyone in the room.

Dex's mouth was open but he didn't look jealous, he was bearing an, 'I told you so' smirk. You couldn't say the same with Fitz though. Jealousy and anger was flashing across his face and it looked like flames in his usually kind teal eyes. Biana glared at Fitz then flashed a knowing smirk at me. I was pretty sure my face was even more red, if that was even possible.

Everyone sat in silence for a minute or so until Biana spoke up. "So, who's next?" No one answered, their minds obviously still on mine and Keefe's kiss. Biana rolled her eyes and grabbed the bottle to spin herself. She gave the bottle a little spin and it was only when the bottle stopped, I realised what was happening. The bottle slowed down and stopped right in front of Tam.

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