Chapter 4 - Biana and Tam's POV

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Hiii everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Here's chapter 4 and the next one might come soon (a day or 2)! Enjoy!

Biana's POV

My eyes traced the bottle's movement while my mind wondered who it was going to land on. I really didn't want Keefe seeing as Sophie and Keefe were definitely a thing after that kiss and Fitz? Nope. Even though he's my brother he's still as annoying as one. Dex, well I'm like 99% sure that he has a crush on Marella and same goes for Linh and Wylie. Wouldn't want to ruin all that. So the only person I really want is Tam. I may just have a teensy crush on him but it's not a violation to have a crush on someone! Especially someone who looks super hot. And those silvery-blue eyes! Gorgeous! OMG! Did I just admit that to myself?! I stopped my mental swooning in time to see the bottle slow down. Double OMG! It landed on Tam!

I shuffle into the centre of the circle staring expectantly at Tam. My hope fell, he probably liked Sophie, like most of the guys in the room. I saw the way he stared at Sophie and Keefe longingly. I dropped my head, tears welling in my eyes. I feel a nervous breath on my forehead and see Tam's face inches away from my own.

I leaned forward, lips pursed, and my heart was pounding so fast, I thought it might leap out of my throat. I feel a trickle of cool, and then we kiss. It was only short, but the world stopped. I leaned out, and found out Tam had draped us in shadows. I giggled, then everyone started complaining. It was only fake moaning, but that made Tam and I laugh so hard. "Why were you crying?" Tam asked, wiping the tears trickling down my cheek. I look away blushing, "I guess I know that you like Sophie, like everyone else does..."

"No, I like you, Biana, and while we're keeping it real, I always have."

Tam's POV

Uh-oh. I try to hide myself with the shadows, but Linh gives me a cute smile of encouragement ( I guess it also could have been an evil grin but...) and so I do it for her. Biana is doing an adorable double-take between me and the bottle while her eyes widened. I sigh, but I can't help glee pour from myself. Geez, get it together Tam! No happy shadow thoughts! Must. Stay. Angsty. But Biana's smile of excitement pulls me toward the centre of the circle. I try to focus on the kiss before. I mean, come on! I told them so! Predicted it! No one even gave me credit. Sophie and Keefe are gazing at each other, all dazed and in complete love for each other, I wish Biana would look at me that way, and... well that got sappy. Biana is sitting there expectantly, so I take a deep breath, then I lean forward.

I've never kissed anyone before, so I don't know what to expect. Maybe my emotions spiked, because I swear Keefe snickered during our kiss, but I feel like that was a big step for me. Going from angsty Shade to a softie on the inside. Ew, I sound like Keefe. Or Linh. I don't want anyone to see, so I call the shadows in to form a protective bubble around Biana and I. She giggles when she notices, and we laugh when everyone moans because they can't see us.

I wipe a tear from her face as we pull away, and reassure her that I like her, and not Sophie. She smiles a radiant smile and I melt into a pile of happy shadow thoughts.

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