Chapter 7: Fitz, Biana's POV

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Fitz's POV

I inwardly sigh at how awkward this was getting. First Sophie and Keefe and now Maruca? She was ok, and her turquoise-blue eyes were a very pretty colour but that was all! Right? I didn't like her, right? Right?! I like Sophie though, not Maruca! Sophie was super cute but now that I thought about it so was Maruca. Maybe this wouldn't turn out as awkward as I expected.

I see Maruca fidget with the sleeve of her tunic before walking into the room and sitting down beside me. Her cheeks bore an adorable blush as she leaned forward. I leaned forward as well and our lips met midway, pressing together softly. I may still have long lost feelings for Sophie but right now I could settle for Maruca.

Biana's POV

When Fitz and Maruca pull away, their faces are flushed and I can feel their discomfort, even without Empath powers. Even though Fitz is annoying, he's still my brother so I try to change the topic. "Well I think that's enough of Spin the Bottle for now. I think we should play that game you told me about, Sophie." Sophie gives me a confused look so I try to explain it as best as I can. When she realises what the game is her eyes widen and she smacks her head. This is going to be very interesting.

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