Chapter 9: Sophie's POV

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"What do you guys want to do?" Biana drawled, voicing exactly what I was thinking. "I dunno, why don't we go meet Harry Potter." I must have said that aloud instead of just thinking about it as everyone gave me quizzical looks. "Nevermind. Human thing." I muttered but Biana insisted I tell them who Harry Potter was. I quickly explained that it was a movie in the Forbidden Cities, summarised the plot and then of course Biana demanded we watch it. "But we can't," I exclaimed. " We don't have the movies or something to watch it on." "You could get it from Amy", Dex piped up. I sighed. Valid point. I stood up and wandered to the corner and quickly hailed Amy and explained the situation to her. She was keen to help and also added in a pack of EL.Fudges for Keefe while I thanked her and leaped to the Forbidden Cities with Biana. I came back with a laptop, the movies and the E.L.Fudges in tow and Keefe practically leaped at me when he realised what I was holding. He started munching on them straight away.

"Yep, don't even thank me for getting them for you." I muttered and rolled my eyes. Keefe looked up at me and mumbled something with his mouth full but I couldn't hear it. I set the laptop down and slipped the DVD in before plopping on the couch. I didn't realise that Keefe's arm was around me until he scooched closer. I blushed but snuggled deeper.

Everyone loved the movies but Biana was so engrossed in them that she didn't even realise what was going on around her. It was only at the 3rd movie that Biana finally called out to someone to get food so Fitz and Maruca both went to the kitchen to find food, Biana not wanting to get up. We all heard a loud CRASH, and that was followed by laughing. When Fitz and Maruca returned they were both red faced and giggling hysterically but with the food and everyone dived in, so very hungry for food. Literally. When everyone brought their heads out of the bowl I could see food in everyones hair. Butterblasts were flying and they came out of a certain Hunkyhair's hand. Now everyone was in a fully-fledged classic American food fight. I took the opportunity, seized Keefe's hand, and pulled him out the door

My pulse was racing, but I forced it to slow down as Keefe reached for my hand and offered me his with a smile. We walked through the ever-growing spans of Everglen's gardens. We walked through bushes and trees, until Keefe pointed to a beautiful gazebo under the moonlit sky. It had neat rows of bushes planted near it, and I smiled as we walked into it.

Inside contained cute toadstools, and Keefe scooted two together to make a bench. We sat down and he tilted my chin up towards his beautiful ice blue eyes, which were sparkling in the moonlight.

"Foster, I've never," he started, but I interject.

"Felt this way before?" I asked. He smiled, then frowned.

"But you have with Fitz." he said, with a hint of sadness, and almost question, as if he wasn't sure.

"Keefe," I said, looking into his eyes. "You are something else. Gisela's intentions failed. You're not a monster. You're amazing."

"Foster, if this is another pep talk..."

"Keefe, please listen. Fitz lost his way with me. I can't lose you as well." He flushed, then whispered "I like you, Sophie." I smiled, and for once didn't blush.

"I like you too Keefe." I leaned in and he exchanged the kiss, as glorious as the previous one, but I felt like high-pitched violins should start playing and the "movie" would carry on as usual, until we pulled away and, hand-in-hand, we walked through Everglen, me feeling as if I was floating on a fluffy cloud and as if all my dreams and wishes could come true.

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