Betrayal Again

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  • Dedicated to TheGameBET

"So how about we get back home?" Cooper said pulling me by my waist towards him. There were no more than an inch between me and him. 

"And," I said closing the inch. "We can..."

Cooper cut me off by kissing me. 

He stuck his tongue out, but I didn't allow it. Instead, I closed my lips into a peck kiss and backed away. I tried to cover it up.

"Let's go." I whispered, taking him by his arm into the night.

I don't love him. But me kissing him is the most excitement I've had in 2 months. Let alone, 2 years. I've never had a boyfriend. 

This will do for now. 


I caught up with him with 2 half empty water bottles. 

"Drink up!" I chimed. 

Cooper chugged it down and threw the bottle down. 

I did the same.

"Did you know that you are beautiful?" He complimented.

"Oh Cooper-" 

Cooper kissed me. Hard. He led me into the warehouse and to the teen room.

I backed away inches or a second.

"What about everyone else?" I said but Cooper just moved his lips to my neck. "Aren't they here?" 

"Mmph!" He mumbled. I guess that means no.

He laid me down onto the blankets.

Kissing me vigourously, I thought.

This feels wrong.

"Cooper," I breathed. "Let me get something." 

"Sure." He said nonchalantly. 

I got up and left the teen room.



I don't know what I did but Olive's gone.


All of a sudden Kiki came in. 

"Hey baby." Kiki taunted. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. 

Why was she talking to me like that. She gave me a face.

"I came to give you something." Kiki said. But she jumped on top of me and started kissing me.

I should of stopped but---meh.


I'm done thinking. It's been long enough.

I walked into the teen room.

My face was shocked, stunned, suprised.

The both cocked their heads to me.

"No-" I whispered softly.

Cooper got up.

"Olive, it's not what it seems!?" He asked me unsurley.

Tears strummed down my face.

I left.

I heard him call back at me.

Everything is slipping through my fingers. 

Even my only love.

But the thing is, I didn't even love him. 

But he loved me. 

And now, nobody cares about me. 

My legs took me up, as if I didn't have any of control of them. Where ever they may take me, I don't want to be back with Kiki and Cooper. 

That's the second time, I didn't want to be back with someone. 

The streets ahead were lit by green, red, yellow and blue lights. 


Thankyou xxninjahearts :) So, um, they didn't like how it said she had her one love but Olive didn't love him. She does NOT fellow readers. Tell me what you think about what I added. And please vomment. :D (vote and comment)


Whenever I think of vomment I think of vommet. DON'T VOMMET. :P 


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