Vertigo Again

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Why am I in here.

Damn, I've got bad vertigo.

I felt as if the walls were closing in on me. The ground was shaking softly. Kind of like a cruise ship rocking back and forth, back and forth, back and---


Just stop, Olivia. You can't go crazy. You're stronger than that. How long have you been in here? Hm, maybe, 5 days.


I've been here for 40 frigging years! I can't take it anymore!

I got up off the dusty bed and went to wash my face. The mirror was cracked slightly at the edge, I noticed, as I took a look at myself.

So hot.

Nope. I look like an obese hooker. Yeah.

All of a sudden, the door down the hall opened.

 Damn, if Cooper is back I swear to god----

I ran to the bars to see my mom. I mean, Mrs. Daniels.

"Out you come, Liv." She said surely.


ALRIGHT GUYS. This was insanely short, but I've had a lot of wattpadian things happening. Trust me, big things are coming soon. ALSOOOO, I've been sidetracked with reading The Kissing Booth and stuff. What?...everyones a fan of someone. :P ANYWAYS... thanks for reading!



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