Police Again

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You've got to be kidding me. He actually left me with only 50 bucks. 

I stabbed the buttons with my fingers trying to call him back. It was a private number. So I couldn't. I tried to text him back... Nope. 

This can't be happening. 

My one shot to be back to normal, have my blessed life, my dad has to sell me for 10, 000 dollars and leave me alone. With fifty bucks!?

Let's try not to think about it. 

Well once again I need to ask myself: What do I do now? Where do I go now? I can't go back to Cooper. He left me with a man who was threatening to kill me. He didn't even stutter. 

Well, if I'm going to get stabbed in the back by my own dad and the only guy I've ever (somewhat) trusted; then they're gonna pay.


My converse clapped against the marble rock sidewalk. I breathed in deeply. 

New York Police Department. 

My mom used to work here. Before she left. I wonder why so many people in my family leave me. Why did I leave? I sighed eternally.  

Dad says that she's gone forever. 

Inside was the smell of laminate and a warm smell of granola. About 5 people were waiting in the chairs. 

I hope I don't have to wait. Oh wait, I forgot, I've got nothing better to do. 

At the desk, was a petite lady in her police uniform, looking bored. 

"How may I help you?" She broke my daze with her New York accent. She scanned me with her eyes. 

"Yeah...hi." I stuttered. "I'm here about the fire at the house on 2843 22nd street."

"Yes, what have you found out, miss?" She said.

"Well, I know the Dad---uh----man who was in that fire." I said. "He's still alive."

She stared at me wide eyed. 

"Okay..." She said. "That case was closed 8 months ago." 

How time flies. Eight months!? She continued.

"Well if you feel you want to open the case and deepen the search," She pointed her pen at a door. "You can talk to Mrs. Daniels. 

"Okay, thank you, officer." I said uncomfortably.

I walked towards the door she pointed at. A sign on the door read: Case Officer. Slowly opening the door, the door opened itself. A tall figure stepped through with a blank look on his face. 

"Sorry." I say but he just pushes past. 

Okay, that was rude. 

I stepped inside of the large room. Ahead was a large desk with neatly piled papers, and a cup of sharpened pencils. 

"Hello?" I said softly. 

"Oh hi!" I woman got up from bending down behind her desk. She had brown hair, same highlights like me. Blue eyes, peachy skin and perfect cheekbones. 

"Hi, I'm Olivia." I said sticking out my hand for a shake. 

I didn't expect her to tackle me to a hug. 

Me AgainOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara