Blood Again

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"Here's your exit card." A different girl at the front desk said while handing me a card. 

"Thanks." I growled at her. 

She gave me a bitchy smile and organized a pile of papers.

"Now, I can sit back, relax, and watch re-runs of Jersey Shore." I mumbled happily.

With what TV? With what couch!? With what HOUSE?

This sucks and I smell like shit. I need a bath. In the public bathroom or something. Now to find one. 


I walk the streets alone, wondering, what went wrong.

Maybe me leaving in the first place.

Maybe me spending all the money I had on beer.

Maybe me hanging out with a bunch of alcoholic druggies.

Maybe me selling myself. 

Maybe me telling off my mom.

Maybe me ever being born. 

I should kill myself. 


I walk the streets alone. 


I come up to a park bathroom with a long line of kids trailing into it.

"Might as well wait." 

So I wait.

Until I hear screaming.

Loud screaming and I see kids running, scattering away from the bathroom. I see mom's calling them back. I see cars getting started. And I don't even wonder why.

I just take steps towards the bathroom.

I need a shower. 

Hey, I'm going to die anyway, so... who cares. Once upon a time I would care. 

I open the bathroom and get flushed with a bright red reflection coming off the mirrors. Blood. I hear a loud cry coming from a stall.

"No! No! No! God please. Please." It was a girl. But I couldn't see her face. I went around the bend and saw Mom.

"Mom. Mom!!!" I cried silently and got on my hands and knees. Blood went all over them, but I don't care.

"Who are you?" I heard a sniffle and a squeak. On the floor I see a woman (mom) with her head all bloody. A gun was propped softly in her hand. 

Why would she kill herself?

I cocked my head to the side. 

A little girl was there. She looked exactly like the girl in the portrait on Mom's desk. She looked maybe 11.

"You're her daughter. I'm her real daughter." I told her. 

"Can you please help me. Please." She pleaded.

"I-I can't." 

"Why!" She screamed crying a little. Letting the blood strum through her fingers.

"Because." I say while getting up and leaving the bathroom.

"Bitch!" I hear from the bathroom. I see the girl getting up and giving me a glare. "You are no daughter." 

But I kept on going. 

Keep on moving. 


Thanks guys! this is it, but, tell me what you think

gotta go. BAH BYE

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