[3.1] Y/N

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Seo Changbin motioned for me to continue through the entryway inside his apartment. I looked around quickly and saw very few decorations and tastefully simple furniture. And then, turning into the larger sitting room, I saw my son sitting on the edge of a dark wraparound couch with a Super Nintendo controller in his hand and a huge smile plastered on his face as he stared at the screen while playing Mario Kart. Then the bruise on his cheek and the bruise and scab at his mouth came into view.

My feet felt like lead. I couldn't move from my spot. He hadn't noticed me yet, but I was fighting everything not to break down and cry. I stifled a sob, covering my mouth tightly. I didn't realize that Changbin had walked up behind me until I jumped when he placed his hand on my shoulder again, just firm enough to remind me that I wasn't alone in the room. He left it there for only a few seconds before dropping it back to his side. It was comforting, and I had to check myself mentally since I despised the man minutes prior. He'd done a complete 180 from last night. Maybe I had misunderstood him. I don't know, but that was something we could talk about another time.

Another time? Why am I already thinking about talking to him in the future? No. Stop.

I brought my focus back to Yu-Jin and cleared my throat. "I'm here, Jinnie."

Without even looking at me, he inquired, "Hey, Mom! Did you eat yet?"

"No, not yet."

"You should eat first. Mr. Seo ordered enough for you to have some too." He finally paused the game and turned on the couch to look at me. His smile was so relaxed and full of life.

I hadn't seen him smile like that in a long time, and my maternal instinct was to fight tooth and nail for him to keep it. My eyes teared up as the bruising was in full view then, but if he wasn't saying that it hurt or showing that he was upset about it right then, there was no need for me to bring it up. I could wait to discuss it later with him.

"Okay, Jinnie. I'll eat."

If it could be possible, his smile grew even wider. "Good! Mr. Seo, can I keep playing?"

Changbin nodded his head from where he was standing nearby, then he reached out and gently grabbed the back of my arm. "Come on. I'll fix you a plate."

My immediate reflex would have been to jerk my arm out of his hand, but his touch wasn't aggressive. I found myself letting him guide me to his kitchen. He pointed for me to sit down on a stool at the bar counter of the kitchen island. He pointed at several different slices of pizza and I chose two, then he piled on the gimbap until I started to raise my voice, "That's enough! That's enough!" That made him chuckle to himself. "Ah, a funny guy," I teased, and he smiled at me.

My stomach twisted with butterflies and I felt my eyes widen at the shock of my body's response to him smiling. No, no, no. Stop that. We don't need that. I've got too much on my plate as it is to add an attraction to my neighbor on top of it. Stop it.

Neighborly [Seo Changbin + FemReader]Where stories live. Discover now